Autore: Idris Demir

Idris Demir is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Sciences of International Relations at Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey. He received his first MSc in international relations from the Middle East Technical University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Turkey, and he obtained his second MSc in energy studies from the University of Dundee Centre for Energy Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, United Kingdom. He completed his PhD in International Relations at the Gazi University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Turkey. His research interests include energy politics, Turkish foreign policy and the political economy of international oil. He is the author of International Oil Politics, Markets and Prices and the Gas Exporting Countries Forum on Global Energy Geopolitics, and the editor of Turkey”s Foreign Policy: New Trends, New Orientations, New Approaches.

1 Ebook di Idris Demir

Adris Demir: Turkey’s Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East
This book investigates the effects of the Arab Spring on Turkish foreign policy using a multidimensional approach that draws on a wide range of disciplines from international relations to sociology a …