Autore: Ilaria Moschini


5 Ebook di Ilaria Moschini

Ilaria Moschini: Il Grande Cerchio
Il libro accompagna il lettore in un viaggio nell’immaginario collettivo americano per rintracciarvi gli elementi fondamentali dell’American Dream, un concetto la cui dimensione storica e simbolica r …
Ilaria (University of Florence, Italy) Moschini & Maria Grazia (University of Messina, Italy) Sindoni: Mediation and Multimodal Meaning Making in Digital Environments
This collection explores the mediation of a wide range of processes, texts, and practices in contemporary digital environments through the lens of a multimodal theory of communication. Bringing toget …
Ilaria (University of Florence, Italy) Moschini & Maria Grazia (University of Messina, Italy) Sindoni: Mediation and Multimodal Meaning Making in Digital Environments
This collection explores the mediation of a wide range of processes, texts, and practices in contemporary digital environments through the lens of a multimodal theory of communication. Bringing toget …
Ilaria (University of Florence, Italy) Moschini & Maria Grazia (University of Messina, Italy) Sindoni: Multimodal Literacies Across Digital Learning Contexts
This collection critically considers the question of how learning and teaching should be conceived, understood, and approached in light of the changing nature of learning scenarios and new pedagogies …
Ilaria (University of Florence, Italy) Moschini & Maria Grazia (University of Messina, Italy) Sindoni: Multimodal Literacies Across Digital Learning Contexts
This collection critically considers the question of how learning and teaching should be conceived, understood, and approached in light of the changing nature of learning scenarios and new pedagogies …