3 Ebook di Ilario Sinigaglia
Ilario Sinigaglia: L’ Inglese: la lingua femmina di Virginia Woolf
Si parte dall’ipotesi che esistano menti di tipo femminile e menti di tipo maschile e si arriva alla conclusione che esistono “lingue maschili” e “lingue femminili”. In questa ottica la lingua ingles …
Ilario Sinigaglia: English: the she language of Virginia Woolf
I begin with the hypothesis that there are female types of psyche and male types of psyche and conclude that there are ‘male languages’ and ‘female languages’. In these terms, the English language is …
Ilario Sinigaglia: Language: a different use of the brain
The main purpose of this essay is to show that natural language, when contextualised, by its nature avoids the paradoxes and the shortcomings ascribed to it. Preliminarily, I would like to put forwar …