Isabella Crespi is Associate Professor in Cultural sociology at the University of Macerata, Italy.
Elisabetta Ruspini is Senior Associate Professor in Sociology, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy.
5 Ebook di Isabella Crespi
Elisabetta Ruspini & Isabella Crespi: Balancing Work and Family in a Changing Society
Both research and policy on balancing work and family life have tended to focus on mothers’ lives. There has been a general lack of comparative research to the complex intersection between old and ne …
Isabella Crespi & Stefania Giada Meda: Making Multicultural Families in Europe
This edited collection explores family relations in two types of ’migrant families’ in Europe: mixed families and transnational families. Based on in-depth qualitative fieldwork and large surve …
Vera Lomazzi & Isabella Crespi: Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Equality in Europe
With gender equality so prominent in public debate, this timely book reviews the impacts of gender mainstreaming on political, social and cultural issues around Europe. It explores the origins and ev …
Isabella Crespi & Vera Lomazzi: Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Equality in Europe
With gender equality so prominent in public debate, this timely book reviews the impacts of gender mainstreaming on political, social and cultural issues around Europe.It explores the origins and evo …
Anna-Maija Castrén & Vida Česnuitytė: The Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe
This handbook provides a meaningful overview of topical themes within family sociology as an academic field as well as empirical realities in various societal contexts across Europe. More than sixty …