Autore: Ivana Noble

Ivana Noble is an associate professor of Ecumenical Theology at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University, Prague and is Senior Research Fellow at the International Baptist Seminary in Prague. She is the author of Accounts of Hope (2001) and Theological Interpretation of Culture in a Post-Communist Context (2010).

4 Ebook di Ivana Noble

Ivana Noble: Tracking God
This book offers an introduction to some of the fundamental themes of theology. From the very beginning, however, it insists on the contribution to be found in the different Christian traditions. The …
Ivana Noble: Theological Interpretation of Culture in Post-Communist Context
Twenty years after the fall of Communism in Central and East Europe is an ocassion to reevaluate the cultural and theological contribution from that region to the secularization – post-secularization …
Ivana Noble: Theological Interpretation of Culture in Post-Communist Context
Twenty years after the fall of Communism in Central and East Europe is an ocassion to reevaluate the cultural and theological contribution from that region to the secularization – post-secularization …
Constantinos Athanasopoulos & Alexandros Chouliaras: Analogia
Analogia is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the scholarly exposition and discussion of the theological principles of the Christian faith. A distinguishing feature of this journal will b …