About the author: J. T. Christopher is a hardworking husband and father. His writing was inspired by his lovely wife, and he now writes poetry as the inspiration comes. This is his first published book.
About the editor: C. H. Christopher is a multitalented wife and minister of the Gospel, whose writings include poetry, playwriting, music, and choreography. She grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in a multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual community, which shaped her experience. She is one of eight children and now a wife, mother, and grandmother.
4 Ebook di J. T.
J. T. & C. H. Christopher: Every Waking Hour
J. T. Christopher is a hardworking husband and father. His writing was inspired by his lovely wife, and he now writes poetry as the inspiration comes. This is his first published book. …
J.T.: Darren
This is Darren. As you can see, he is a hedgehog wearing a pair of sunglasses at night, which clearly means hes an absolute dickhead. Hedgehogs are supposed to be cute and cuddly, but I can tell you …
J T: Kalle ja Aku
Kirjasarja joka kertoo Kalle ja Aku nimisistä pojista. He joutuvat mitä ihmeellisimpiin tilanteisiin ja paikkoihin ja kiinnostuvat kaikesta jännittävästä minkä sattuvat kuulemaan. Saatat löytää heidä …