The second in a series of six post-apocalyptic graphic novels, created by industry legend and unsurpassed artistic visionary Jack Katz!
After the generations-spanning excitement of the first volume, ”The Galaxy Hunters’ takes Jack Katz’s epic future history in a bold new direction, as humanity lifts itself back up to the stars, and strikes out for new frontiers, thirsting for new knowledge. But the ”Gods’ of Helleas Voran, who have watched, guided and schemed against humanity all the while, may not allow a second human empire to dominate the universe! This is a story of love, war, science and destiny, played out on the grandest canvas of them all.
The First Kingdom is presented here in a complete collectors’ library for the first time: completely relettered, and with cleaned and restored art taken from high-resolution scans of the original art pages!
Comprising six volumes in total, each book also includes features on the history of the strip, as well as all-new introductions by Jack Katz and his many industry fans!