How an EMPATH born to addicts survived five near death experiences and found her life’s purpose in helping others.
Born into a family of addiction, I survived a traumatic childhood and an attempted rape at 11 that almost killed me. I got pregnant at 15 to escape my toxic home but conversely, it did not stop the madness. After several near death experiences, rapes and major losses, I felt I was cursed or had done something heinous to deserve my fate. I discovered I was an empath which is a highly sensitive soul with an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others energy. My story is not one of sadness but of hope, survival, courage and spirituality. Learn how I turned the neglect, the rapes, near death experiences and betrayals into stepping stones to find out who I am and why I’m here. I know everything happens for a reason so I trust in divine timing. Earth is a schoolhouse and the circumstances as well as the people that come into our life are the tests. I realized life wasn’t happening to me, but it was happening for me which changed my perception from one of impending doom to one of hope. What I thought was a mission to heal myself turned into a journey to help others heal and understand why they are suffering too. My intuition guides and protects me always. I wrote this book to help other souls that are lost and in pain like I was. I believe that when we find our way out of the darkness we have an obligation to reach back and help others.
Circa l’autore
After discovering I was an empath, my life has taken on meaning and great change. Now that my book is finished I can focus on healing and my next book. I wrote this book to help others that are lost and in pain like I was. My next book ‘Goody Two Shoes in Love’ will help empaths navigate love.