Michael J. Ryan is Vice-Chair Curator and Head of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
Brenda J. Chinnery-Allgeier is Lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin.
David A. Eberth is a senior research scientist at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada.
5 Ebook di James I. Kirkland
Diane Carey & James I. Kirkland: Star Trek – Classic: Keine Spur von Menschen
Kirk und seine Crew landen in einem Paralleluniversum ohne Menschen Die Enterprise soll neue Deflektorschilde testen, doch nach einem Unfall finden sich Captain Kirk und seine Crew in einem Parallelu …
Diane Carey & James I. Kirkland: First Frontier
A Star Trek adventure set during The Original Series era and featuring James T. Kirk and the U.S.S. Enterprise crew!While testing a new shielding device, the U.S.S. Enterprise TM is caught in the mid …
Michael J. Ryan & Brenda J. Chinnery-Allgeier: New Perspectives on Horned Dinosaurs
Easily distinguished by the horns and frills on their skulls, ceratopsians were one of the most successful of all dinosaurs. This volume presents a broad range of cutting-edge research on the functio …
Alan L. Titus & Mark A. Loewen: At the Top of the Grand Staircase
The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument is the location of one of the best-known terrestrial records for the late Cretaceous. Prior fieldwork confirmed the richness of the area, but a major e …
M. K. Brett-Surman & James O. Farlow: Complete Dinosaur
A new edition of the illustrated compendium that is “a gift to serious dinosaur enthusiasts” (Science). What do we know about dinosaurs, and how do we know it? How did they grow, m …