Diane Morrison is a short and long-form fiction hybrid author and editor. She likes pickles and bluegrass, and hates talking about herself. An avid National Novel Writing Month participant and gaming geek, she is proudly Canadian and proudly LGBTQ. She manages the official SFWA You Tube channel, where she gets to interview some of her favourite authors and other interesting people in the SFF field. Under her pen name “Sable Aradia” she is a successful Pagan author, a musician, and a professional blogger. She lives with her partners and a three-legged rescue cat in Vernon, BC, where she was born and raised.
1 Ebook di Jamie Field
Diane Morrison: Once Upon a Time in the Wyrd West
In a post-apocalyptic Saskatchewan, the Gunslingers are a holy order of Law empowered to keep the peace and protect the common people. They have supernatural powers to back it up. The Walsh siblings …