Jonathan Goodman-Herrick, LCSW, is one of the leading couples therapists in the Northeast and one of the foremost Voice Dialogue teachers and practitioners in North America. In private practice in Weston, Connecticut and New York City, he has led workshops on both coasts. For more information about working in couple, individual or group therapy with Jonathan Goodman-Herrick, LCSW, call 203.222.7676. After receiving his Masters in Clinical Social Work from NYU in 1985, Jonathan trained with many of the country”s foremost therapists in family systems, trance work, and Voice Dialogue. He also trained with several of the world”s leading Zen and Advaita masters, and has practiced meditation for thirty years. He has been married thirty years and has two daughters.
13 Ebook di Jan Chozen Bays
Jan Chozen Bays & Heng Sure: Jizo Bodhisattva
In Jizo Bodhisattva, Zen teacher and practicing pediatrician Jan Chozen Bays explores the development of traditional Buddhist practices related to Jizo, as well as the growing interest in Jizo practi …
Jonathan Goodman-Herrick: The Heart of Relationship: Five Ultimate Truths
The Heart of the Relationship delineates five essential truths that underlie all couplehood: the inescapable fact of struggling and suffering, the fundamental cause of struggle and suffering, and the …
Jan Chozen Bays: Comer atentos (Mindful Eating)
El arte de la atención plena puede transformar nuestros conflictos con la alimentación –y renovar nuestro sentido del placer, valoración y satisfacción con la comida. Recurriendo a investigaciones re …
Mu Soeng: Trust in Mind
"The Great Way is not difficult / for those who have no preferences. / When love and hate are both absent / everything becomes clear and undisguised. / Make the smallest distinction, however / a …
Jan Chozen Bays: Comer atentos
El arte de la atención (mindfulness) puede transformar nuestra cotidiana lucha con las comidas, renovar nuestro sentido del placer, así como nuestra satisfacción con la comida. Comer atentos es un en …
Jan Chozen Bays: Achtsam durch den Tag
Ein Handbuch der Achtsamkeit. Die 53 Übungen richten sich an Menschen, die mit diesem Übungsprogramm mehr Achtsamkeit in ihren Alltag bringen möchten – unabhängig von Alter, Bildungsstand oder Beruf. …