Arbitration in Context Series Volume 1 There is probably no area of activity more in need of reliable dispute resolution procedures than construction projects, especially if more than one jurisdiction is involved. The third edition of this eminently practical guide greatly facilitates the process for all parties concerned. The text, updated to include the latest edition of arbitral rules and introducing the Prague Rules, considers the full range of available dispute resolution met...
Arbitration in Context Series Volume 1 There is probably no area of activity more in need of reliable dispute resolution procedures than construction projects, especially if more than one jurisdiction is involved. The third edition of this eminently practical guide greatly facilitates the process for all parties concerned. The text, updated to include the latest edition of arbitral rules and introducing the Prague Rules, considers the full range of available dispute resolution methods, including mediation, conciliation and determination by dispute review boards, before focusing specifically on arbitration. The book then looks in detail at all aspects of arbitration, from commencement of proceedings, selection of the tribunal, through preparation and collection of the evidence necessary in complex construction cases, to common procedural issues, the conduct of the hearing, the effect of the award, challenges to it and its enforcement. The third edition addresses fresh thinking on Med Arb, guidance on preparation for and conduct of virtual hearings in the wake of COVID-19, technological advances to assist collection and presentation of evidence, litigation funding and includes a new chapter on the role of arbitration in tender disputes. Specific valuable features include the following: guidance on the drafting of dispute resolution provisions designed to minimise disputes and facilitate their swift resolution; flowcharts to illustrate the stages in dispute procedures and arbitration; a comparison between common law and civil law approaches to key concepts; details of the key features of a construction contract, common standard forms and procurement structures; expert guidance on effective contract administration; step-by-step advice on the conduct of a construction arbitration to maximise efficiency; and coverage of particular issues thrown up by complex construction disputes which differentiate them from other commercial disputes, with guidelines on how to approach such issues in the presentation before a tribunal. As an easy-to-use resource for both general counsel and the lawyers in private practice, this book has no peers. It has proved to be of particular value to commercial contract negotiators and corporate counsel who may have many years of experience but have not had to live through a construction dispute or manage a construction contract during the life of a project. Lawyers in private practice embarking on a construction dispute for the first time will also find this book of value, as will students of dispute resolution.