The daily lives of Rosemary and her brothers are defined by their stepfather’s sexual abuse and the sadistic power he wields over the children and their mother. The authorities finally rescue the children, but then Rosemary languishes for three years in Florida’s state foster care system, separated from her brothers and without real help for the psychological anguish that afflicts her because of the abuse.
Meanwhile, Jeanne and James Ramsey endure the rigorous approval process for potential parents who wish to adopt older children from Florida’s foster care system. Then they wait while the seemingly endless search for the right little girl unfolds. Their dream is realized when a match is found at last in eight-year-old Rosemary, and they adopt her. Rosemary’s recovery from her past is slow, but over time and with much effort, loving bonds are forged as Rosemary struggles to make a good life with her new parents.
Award-winning author Jeanne Ramsey’s memoire describes the new family’s progress with stories of courage, sorrow, anger, poignancy, love, humor, and ultimate triumph. It is meant to be enjoyed by anyone seeking an uplifting, true page-turner. It can also be useful to people who are considering adoption, or who have already given a home to a troubled child, and need reasurance that, despite the effort it takes and the emotional ups and downs inherent in such an undertaking, the stability and guidance they offer to these children is of GREAT value.
Circa l’autore
Jeanne Ramsey grew up as an animal lover and bookworm with an artistic bent. As a child she was always conjuring up stories in her head, and even consigned some of them to paper, but she ‘outgrew’ that. She graduated from Florida State University with degrees in Psychology and Biology, married, raised a son, and engaged in a banking career. Her husband, James, supported and encouraged her in all her interests, which include rescuing homeless pets, painting with oils, and various creative arts and crafts.
Then, well into middle age, Jeanne and James adopted a severely abused little girl from Florida’s state foster care system, and what an adventure it was! Jeanne started keeping notes to help her remember the details of the many sad, funny, and poignant events that punctuated her life with her new daughter, Rosemary. A couple of years later Jeanne discovered that she had accumulated a sizeable collection of jotted-down memories, enough to be the basis for a real book, and she wanted to share her experiences. And Rosemary was still growing up, constantly supplying new input to Jeanne’s treasure trove of tales.
The urge to write returned to Jeanne, and it could not be denied. So, she became a member of the Tallahassee Writers Association and took courses in creative writing. Eventually, in a seven-year labor of love, Jeanne wrote the complete story of her relationship with Rosemary, including how they came together in the first place, in her book, Daughter of my Heart: A Mother’s Memoire about Adopting and Loving an Abused Child.
Jeanne currently resides with James in retirement with numerous pets, near Tallahassee, Florida. Contact her at