The indispensable introductory reference guide to HTML, XHTML and CSS
Even though new technologies enable people to do much more with the Web, in the end HTML, XHTML and CSS are still at the root of any Web site. The newest edition of this bestselling guide is fully updated and revised for the latest technology changes to the field, including HTML5 and CSS3. Illustrated in full color, this book provides beginner and advanced coders the tools they need to be proficient at these programming languages.
- Shows you how to create a Web page and formulate XHTML document structure
- Addresses working with content management systems (Word Press, Drupal, and Joomla), and designing for mobile devices (i Phone, Black Berry, and Android)
- Introduces HTML5 and CSS3, tools critical to mobile Web development
- Reviews working with text, lists, and images, and customizing links
- Demonstrates ways to employ cascading style sheets (CSS) and get creative with colors and fonts
- Details integrating scripts with XHTML and understanding deprecated HTML markup tags
Written by two veteran computer whizzes, HTML, XHTML and CSS For Dummies will help you get the design results you want!
Tabella dei contenuti
Foreword xix
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting to Know (X)HTML and CSS 7
Chapter 1: The Least You Need to Know about HTML, CSS, and the Web 9
Chapter 2: Creating and Viewing a Web Page 31
Chapter 3: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Page Performance 43
Part II: Formatting Web Pages with (X)HTML 61
Chapter 4: Creating (X)HTML Document Structure 63
Chapter 5: Text and Lists 73
Chapter 6: Linking to Online Resources 91
Chapter 7: Finding and Using Images 105
Part III: Taking Precise Control over Web Pages and Styles 119
Chapter 8: Deprecated (X)HTML Markup 121
Chapter 9: Introducing Cascading Style Sheets 129
Chapter 10: Using Cascading Style Sheets 147
Chapter 11: Getting Creative with Colors and Fonts 169
Part IV: Scripting and (X)HTML 189
Chapter 12: Top 20 CSS Properties191
Chapter 13: Scripting Web Pages 211
Chapter 14: Working with Forms 221
Chapter 15: Bring the Best of the Web to Your Web Site 251
Chapter 16: Fun with Client-Side Scripts265
Chapter 17: Content Management Systems 279
Part V: The Future of (X)HTML 291
Chapter 18: Mobile Web Design 293
Chapter 19: Party On with HTML5 305
Chapter 20: CSS3 325
Part VI: The Part of Tens 343
Chapter 21: Ten HTML Do’s and Don’ts 345
Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Exterminate Web Bugs 353
Chapter 23: Ten Cool HTML Tools and Technologies 361
Appendix A: Twitter Supporters 373
Index 377
Circa l’autore
Ed Tittel is a 28-year veteran of the computer industry. A seasoned author and consultant, Ed has more than 140 books to his credit. Jeff Noble is a principle user experience designer at CA Technologies. He specializes in designing, building, optimizing, and explaining all aspects of Web sites and enterprise software applications.