A professional musician guides serious hobbyists through Pro Tool
Pro Tools puts professional recording and music productionsoftware in the hands of anyone with the appropriate hardware andthe knowledge to use it. Musician and recording engineer Jeff Strong guides you through the latest version of this complexprogram, offering twice the content of the official guide at alower price. Eight minibooks cover recording basics, gettingstarted with Pro Tools, recording audio, editing audio, managing MIDI, mixing, mastering, and getting your music to the masses.
* The latest version of Pro Tools offers a whole range of newpossibilities for the recording artist; this soup-to-nuts guideexplains everything you need to know to take full advantage ofit
* Written by a professional musician and recording engineer whohas authored two previous editions of this book as well as Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies and Drums For Dummies
* Eight minibooks cover recording basics, getting started with Pro Tools, recording audio, editing audio, managing MIDI, mixing, mastering, and distributing your music
* Explains how to configure your computer and attach hardware, proper microphone settings, steps for getting your music to soundthe way you want, tips on putting your tracks togetherprofessionally, and much more
If making music is your passion, Pro Tools All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition is exactly what you need to start sharingyour sounds with the world.
Tabella dei contenuti
Introduction 1
Book I: Home Recording Basics 7
Chapter 1: Discovering What You Need 9
Chapter 2: Getting Connected: Setting Up Your Studio 33
Chapter 3: Meeting the Mixing Board 57
Chapter 4: MIDI and Electronic Instruments 75
Chapter 5: Understanding Microphones 91
Book II: Getting Started Using Pro Tools 115
Chapter 1: Confi guring Your Computer 117
Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Hardware 135
Chapter 3: Examining Software Basics 155
Chapter 4: Understanding the Pro Tools Windows 173
Chapter 5: Importing and Exporting Files 215
Book III: Recording Audio 239
Chapter 1: Taking Care of Tracks 241
Chapter 2: Miking: Getting a Great Source Sound 259
Chapter 3: Preparing to Record 289
Chapter 4: Recording Audio 311
Book IV: Editing Audio 335
Chapter 1: Audio Editing Basics 337
Chapter 2: Selecting Material to Edit 359
Chapter 3: Getting into Editing 387
Chapter 4: Adding to Your Editing Palette 413
Book V: Managing MIDI 437
Chapter 1: Preparing to Record MIDI 439
Chapter 2: Recording MIDI 455
Chapter 3: Editing MIDI Data 473
Chapter 4: Performing MIDI Operations 501
Book VI: Mixing In Pro Tools 523
Chapter 1: Mixing Basics 525
Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Mix 541
Chapter 3: Using Equalization 567
Chapter 4: Digging into Dynamics Processors 581
Chapter 5: Singling Out Signal Processors 599
Chapter 6: Automating Your Mix609
Chapter 7: Making Your Mix 627
Book VII: Mastering with Pro Tools 635
Chapter 1: Mastering Basics 637
Chapter 2: Mastering Your Music 643
Book VIII: Getting Your Music to the Masses 657
Chapter 1: Putting Your Music on CD and Vinyl 659
Chapter 2: Getting Your Music on the Internet 673
Index 693
Circa l’autore
Jeff Strong is an experienced musician, recording engineer, and teacher. He serves as founder and director of the Strong Institute, a group creating products to assist in therapy through music. He is also author of all editions of Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies and Drums For Dummies.