Tabella dei contenuti
Balanced Hashing, Color Coding and Approximate Counting.- Kernelization: New Upper and Lower Bound Techniques.- A Faster Fixed-Parameter Approach to Drawing Binary Tanglegrams.- Planar Capacitated Dominating Set Is W[1]-Hard.- Boolean-Width of Graphs.- The Complexity of Satisfiability of Small Depth Circuits.- On Finding Directed Trees with Many Leaves.- Bounded-Degree Techniques Accelerate Some Parameterized Graph Algorithms.- Pareto Complexity of Two-Parameter FPT Problems: A Case Study for Partial Vertex Cover.- What Makes Equitable Connected Partition Easy.- Improved Induced Matchings in Sparse Graphs.- Well-Quasi-Orders in Subclasses of Bounded Treewidth Graphs.- An Exact Algorithm for the Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree Problem.- An Exponential Time 2-Approximation Algorithm for Bandwidth.- On Digraph Width Measures in Parameterized Algorithmics.- The Parameterized Complexity of Some Geometric Problems in Unbounded Dimension.- Paths of Bounded Length and Their Cuts: Parameterized Complexity and Algorithms.- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms in Analysis of Heuristics for Extracting Networks in Linear Programs.- A Probabilistic Approach to Problems Parameterized above or below Tight Bounds.- Polynomial Kernels and Faster Algorithms for the Dominating Set Problem on Graphs with an Excluded Minor.- Partitioning into Sets of Bounded Cardinality.- Two Edge Modification Problems without Polynomial Kernels.- On the Directed Degree-Preserving Spanning Tree Problem.- Even Faster Algorithm for Set Splitting!.- Stable Assignment with Couples: Parameterized Complexity and Local Search.- Improved Parameterized Algorithms for the Kemeny Aggregation Problem.- Computing Pathwidth Faster Than 2 n.