For the Roman Catholic Church, the golden anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council will not mark a golden 50 years since the Council opened. The promise of Vatican II to become a new Pentecost evaporated into a retreat from the Church when its leaders poorly implement the Councils changes. In a Church, excited by the boldness and the spirit of hope of Pope John XXIII, high hopes and great expectations were replaced by caution and curtailment. As this change in spirit seeped through the Church, the hesitancy of a less emboldened church leadership replaced the strong reforming commitments of Pope John.
Circa l’autore
The author of Eucharistic Blues, Jim Madden, looks back to the pre Vatican II days of a robust Church and then tries to address the issue of the huge and unexpected falling away from that Church since Vatican II days. He contends that it was not the Council or its decrees that have brought this about but the inability and reluctance of Church authorities to implement those decrees effectively. The mixed messages of these and following years expressed in poorly implemented changes particularly in the Mass have left many Catholics uncomfortable with their church and thus their Eucharistic Blues and led them to give up on their Church in a Mass Exodus.