John F. May, a Belgian national, is a Lead Demographer at the World Bank, and a specialist in population policies and programs. Prior to joining the World Bank in 1997, he worked on many population projects around the world for UNFPA, UNICEF, USAID, and the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). He was posted in Haiti, West Indies, and New Caledonia, South Pacific for the United Nations. He came to the US in 1987 and was appointed Senior Scientist at The Futures Group International, a consulting firm offering services in population and HIV/AIDS modeling, policy, and program design. In 1991-1992, he spent a year as a Visiting Scholar at the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and was a PRB Visiting Scholar again in 2006, 2007, and 2011. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Demography at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. He earned a BA in Modern History (1973) and a MA in Demography (1985) from the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), and a Doctorate in Demography (1996) from the University of Paris-V (Sorbonne).
3 Ebook di John F. May
Hans Groth & John F. May: Africa’s Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend
This book examines the promises as well as the challenges the demographic dividend brings to sub-Saharan Africa as fertility rates in the region fall and the labor force grows. It offers a detailed a …
John F. May: World Population Policies
This book examines the history behind the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of population policies in the more developed, the less developed, and the least developed countries from 1950 unt …
John F. May & Jack A. Goldstone: International Handbook of Population Policies
This Handbook offers an array of internationally recognized experts’ essays that provide a current and comprehensive examination of all dimensions of international population policies. The book exami …