‘The Domino Effect’ is a Christian fiction story about a troubled teen caught up in gang violence and drugs, a Christian grandma with a terrible secret from her past, and a wild horse named Domino.
The premise of the book and the storyline focuses on how our sorrows, depression, bad thoughts, and other evil actions can fall like dominos before God’s mighty power and healing grace.
Woven into the story are unannounced character switches, planned deceptions, revealed secrets, godly wisdom, a diary of feelings and some historical facts about Iowa in the 1950s.
The author will look at teen and adult suicide; abortion; loss of a loved one; deception; forgiveness; the concept of God; the reality of sin and its consequences; death and beyond; reasons to exist; the abundant life, Christian values, good house rules for teens. why we exist; how to be born again, and several other life issues.
The Domino Effect is an easy-to-read story with twists and turns that will surprise and keep the reader interested.
This is a fictional story, but the message it tells is real. It is all about God’s love and healing power that is expressed in a wild horse. I chose this title because it reflected the interaction of people, situations, and hardships falling like dominos, under the mighty power of God as he answered a little girl’s prayer.
The book will address such matters as:
Does God love every human being? Is prayer relevant for today? Is divine healing possible in a world of science? Does God use animals to bless people? Does everyone have a divine destiny? Can a person’s destiny change? Is it ok to commit suicide? Is God ok with abortion? Does God allow free will? Must a person be born again? And much more.
The storyline is about a thirteen-year-old girl named Janet who lost her father in WWII and struggles with a low self-image. She is walking down a road that will destroy her dreams and crush her inward hopes of ever being a real person.
As the story unfolds, the reader will see Janet become a rebel being, self-absorbed, cynical, and angry at life. However, the reader will also see the hand of God reaching down from heaven to comfort her and give her a sense of acceptance through her Christian grandma and a horse that shows up on her grandmother’s farm in Iowa as fall turns into winter.