Chris Tompkins — team leader, youth expert
Chris serves as Managing Director of Muskoka Woods where he leads a team of 300 high school and college aged staff each summer. He recently co-authored the published research findings of “What”s Happening: The state of youth ministry in Canada.” His current role and expertise generates a demand for him to speak to teens and consult with adult youth workers.
Don Posterski — author, researcher, cultural strategist
Don is a nationally acknowledged researcher and author who has devoted his career to interpreting social trends and their religious implications. Utilizing research data, Don has written and co-authored several influential books connecting the gospel with youth culture.
John Mc Auley — visionary, speaker, coach
John is the visionary President and CEO of Muskoka Woods – a Christian youth resort in Canada. He also serves as a member of the Arrow Leadership faculty and a lead facilitator of The Leadership Studio at Muskoka Woods. An adult learner, John recently augmented his credentials in Organizational Leadership by completing his certification as an Adler Trained Coach.
Muskoka Woods
Muskoka Woods is a Christian Youth Resort that welcomes all young people to life changing experiences. Camp guests choose from water sports and athletics, media and arts, leadership and team building programs. Muskoka Woods operates all year round on Lake Rosseau as a non-profit youth organization. Our skilled staff are selected for their trustworthy character, ability with children and love for their Creator. Muskoka Woods is a safe place where kids grow mentally, physically, spiritually and socially. A place where creativity reigns, friendships flourish and confidence grows. FUN IS OUR TRADEMARK!
3 Ebook di John McAuley
Chris Tompkins & John Mcauley: Elastic Morality
later Back Cover Copy E.las.tic Mo.ral.i.ty: An emerging Christian mindset for right and wrong that ? Creates space for diversity ? Resists judgment ? Extends uncensored acceptance ? Exchanges certai …
Joanne Duberley & Philip Johnson: Organization Theory
This book addresses fundamental questions such as what is organisation theory and why does it matter. It explores the historical development of organisation theory from its origins right up to presen …
Thereza M MacNamara: Handbook of Antennas for EMC, Second Edition
Finally – a completely revised, updated, and expanded edition of the Artech House classic, Handbook of Antennas for EMC. The second edition features a wealth of brand new material, including chapters …