Jon Fuller had spent the last two years interviewing Christian leaders from around the world in his podcast, "Are You Real?" In this book, he wants to share with you what he has learned about practical ways to partner with God to see your life transformed into all that He has created it to be! God has good plans for you, and this book will help you to partner with those plans to see victory and accept and receive a complete identity transformation! We are not left as orphans in this world, and God has come to us. But do we know how to fully revive him? On this journey, Jon focuses on key aspects of faith and transformation. Starting with one of the most challenging areas for many people; their words! Jon empowers you to see your words as tools that can help, or hurt your transformation. Not only that, but learning to hear God’s Frequency for a situation, His thoughts and words will help you to speak those things out and start to see the world change inside and around you. At the core, God’s frequency is the frequency of love. The more we can experience that love, the more our words and heart will naturally align to bring about transformative power to our world! On your journey to speak God’s frequency, you are likely to encounter roadblocks. In fact, you may already have encountered some. For example, you may have run into fear, doubt, or a misunderstanding of what obedience means to God. It is easy to write about what to do or not do, but harder to know how to move forward when you find yourself stuck in the place between knowing what to do, and being able to do it. Speaking God’s Frequency gives you the opportunity to look carefully and kindly at mindsets, thoughts or beliefs that may keep you from moving forward, and helps you to eliminate those from your life! This book is not just words on a page, but it is meant to be a full experience, empowering you to experience God and what God thinks about you! Jon will lead you through the transformation process, sharing stories from his own life and Biblical examples to demonstrate how God can transform anyone, regardless of their background or situations they have faced in life! Each chapter will provide action steps to progress on your own journey to hear and experience the frequency of God’s love for you, and then partnering with God to create a lifestyle of transformation and abundance. In addition, this book offers something unique that most other books do not provide. You will get to read about how God speaks to many of Jon’s friends who are Christian leaders and have a solid track record of hearing God and participating with God, speaking His frequency and seeing hearts and minds brought back to life again!