Jorge Marx Gómez studied Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering at the University of Applied Science in Berlin, Germany. He was a lecturer and researcher at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg where he also obtained a Ph D degree in 2001 in Business Information Systems. From 2002 to 2003 he was a visiting professor for Business Informatics at the Technical University of Clausthal, Germany and worked as a lecturer in different countries. In 2004 he received his postdoctoral lecture qualification for his work on “Automated Environmental Reporting through Material Flow Networks” at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. Since 2006 Jorge Marx Gómez is a full professor and chair of Business Information Systems/Very Large Business Applications (VLBA) at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. His research interests include Business Information Systems, Federated ERP Systems, Business Intelligence, Big Data, Interoperability, Environmental Management Information Systems and e- and Mobile Commerce.
Brenda Scholtz (Ph D) is a senior lecturer at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Brenda has worked in the IT industry for over 15 years as programmer, systems analyst, consultant and IT manager. She was awarded her Ph D in ERP skills and education in 2012. Her research interests include IS education, specifically in the field of ERP systems, business process management, enterprise systems, enterprise architectures and environmental information systems. She is currently serving as project manager for several research collaboration programmes between South Africa and Germany. Brenda is a member of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) as well as the Business Architecture Guild and has published several papers in international journals and conferences.
27 Ebook di Jorge Marx Gomez
Jorge Marx Gomez & Michael Sonnenschein: Advances and New Trends in Environmental and Energy Informatics
This book presents the latest findings and ongoing research in the field of green information systems and green information and communication technology (ICT). It provides insights into a whole range …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Brenda Scholtz: Information Technology in Environmental Engineering
This book presents new concepts as well as practical applications and experiences in the field of information technology for environmental engineering. The book has three main focus areas: firstly, i …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Marie K. Aboujaoude: Modernizing Academic Teaching and Research in Business and Economics
This proceedings volume brings together the results of a corporate discussion on research, academic teaching and education in the field of business and economics in the context of globalization. The …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Manuel Mora: Engineering and Management of Data Centers
This edited volume covers essential and recent development in the engineering and management of data centers. Data centers are complex systems requiring ongoing support, and their high value fo …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Sulaiman Mouselli: Modernizing the Academic Teaching and Research Environment
This book constitutes a valuable manual for young and seasoned business researchers alike, and provides a comprehensive summary for the whole research journey. It is a must-read for all researchers w …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Claus Rautenstrauch: Einführung in SAP Business Information Warehouse
Für die Entscheidungsunterstützung wird in Unternehmen zunehmend Data-Warehouse-Technologie eingesetzt. Sie ermöglicht die Integration von Daten heterogener Quellsysteme für ein leistungsstarkes Repo …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Michael Sonnenschein: Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering
Potentially dangerous environmental changes are happening in the atm- phere, oceans, animal habitats and places where hazardous materials are used, or have been discarded without adequate environment …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Claus Rautenstrauch: Einführung in Business Intelligence mit SAP NetWeaver 7.0
In diesem Buch zu Business Intelligence (BI) wird das Softwarepaket SAP Net Weaver 7.0 präsentiert. Dieses Release von SAP Net Weaver eignet sich für die Lehre in Business Intelligence besonders gut, …
Ioannis N. Athanasiadis & Pericles A. Mitkas: Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering
Information technologies have evolved to an enabling science for natural resource management and conservation, environmental engineering, scientific simulation and integrated assessment studies. Comp …
Danco Davcev & Jorge Marx Gómez: ICT Innovations 2009
This book is the result of the first International Conference ICT Innovations 2009. The ICT Innovations conference is the primary scientific action of the Macedonian Society on Information and Commun …
Burkhardt Funk & Jorge Marx Gómez: Geschäftsprozessintegration mit SAP
Anhand einer durchgängigen Fallstudie wird die Geschäftsprozessintegration mit Hilfe von SAP-Technologien erläutert. Konzeptionelle und technische Grundlagen, insbesondere die Einführung in die verwe …
Ali Dada & Katarina Stanoevska: Organizations’ Environmental Performance Indicators
The book provides a collection of individual chapters from the participants in the OEPI project, which represent a mix of academic and practical chapters and contributions. The first part of the book …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Corinna Lang: IT-gestütztes Ressourcen- und Energiemanagement
In diesem Tagungsband zu den 5. BUIS-Tagen (15. Tagung der Fachgruppe Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.) werden aktuelle Themen des IT-gestützte Ressourcen- …
Burkhardt Funk & Peter Niemeyer: Information Technology in Environmental Engineering
Information technologies have evolved to an enabling science for natural resource management and conservation, environmental engineering, scientific simulation and integrated assessment studies. Comp …
Manuel Mora & Jorge Marx Gómez: Engineering and Management of IT-based Service Systems
Intelligent Decision-Making Support Systems (i-DMSS) are specialized IT-based systems that support some or several phases of the individual, team, organizational or inter-organizational decision maki …
Hans-Knud Arndt & Jorge Marx Gómez: Nachhaltige Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme
In diesem Tagungsband zu den 9. BUIS-Tagen (19. Tagung der Fachgruppe Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.) werden aktuelle Themen des nachhaltigen Einsatzes vo …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Andreas Solsbach: Smart Cities/Smart Regions – Technische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Innovationen
In diesem Tagungsband zu den 10. BUIS-Tagen (20. Tagung der Fachgruppe Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.) werden Thematiken „smarter“ Städte und Regionen un …
Jorge Marx Gomez & Sebastian Herden: Software-Architekturen für das E-Business
Umfassende Einführung in alle relevanten Grundlagen, Methoden und Technologien, wobei im Gegensatz zur aktuellen Literatur zu diesem Thema, Software-Architekturen aus den betriebswirtschaftlic …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Jantje Halberstadt: Progress in Sustainable Mobility Research
This book presents the outcomes of the trans- and interdisciplinary research project NEMo (Nachhaltige Erfüllung von Mobilitätsbedürfnissen im ländlichen Raum – Sustainable Fulfilment of Mobilit …
Jantje Halberstadt & Jorge Marx Gómez: Resilience, Entrepreneurship and ICT
This book is based on the work of the YEEES Research Centre, an international network of scientists from partner universities in Germany, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa. It presents inter- and …
Rafael Alejandro Espin-Andrade & Jorge Marx Gomez: Computational Intelligence for Business Analytics
Corporate success has been changed by the importance of new developments in Business Analytics (BA) and furthermore by the support of computational intelligence- based techniques. This book opens a n …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Lawal O. Yesufu: Sustainable Development Through Data Analytics and Innovation
Sustainable development is based on the idea that societies should advance without compromising their future development requirements. This book explores how the application of data analytics and dig …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Maria Rosa Lorini: Digital Transformation for Sustainability
This book presents case studies to analyse the relationship between sustainability – environmental, social, institutional and economic – and digital innovation. The respective contributions off …
Antonio Cunha & Nuno M. Garcia: Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare
This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Mobi Health 2022, held in November 30 – December 2 …
Manuel Mora & Fen Wang: Development Methodologies for Big Data Analytics Systems
This book presents research in big data analytics (BDA) for business of all sizes. The authors analyze problems presented in the application of BDA in some businesses through the study of development …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Anael Elikana Sam: Smart and Secure Embedded and Mobile Systems
This book gathers a selection of research papers that delve into the field of smart systems, covering a wide range of applications in transportation, agriculture, healthcare, energy management, and m …
Jorge Marx Gómez & Anael Elikana Sam: Artificial Intelligence Tools and Applications in Embedded and Mobile Systems
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a tremendous impact on embedded and mobile systems. This book presents a diverse collection of papers that showcase cutting-edge research and pra …