Fiorenza Belussi obtained her Ph D in 1993, from Spru, Science Policy Research Unit (University of Sussex, United Kingdom). Since 2010 Fiorenza Belussi is Full Professor. She has participated in several international projects financed by the EU (DGXII- ADAPT, TSER), UNIDO, CNR, the Italian Ministry of Scientific Research, 7° program 2007-8, Interreg IIIC, 7° program 2009-10: ICa TSEM- Institutional change and trajectories of socio-economic development modes, Smart-spec (2013-2016). Her areas of interest include: a) management of innovation and creativity, creative industries, theoretical models on innovation diffusion through gatekeepers; studies of open innovation, local systems of innovation; b) International business and the impact of globalisation on local economies. Dr. Belussi has published more than 190 articles and book chapters. Among others, she has published in: International Journal of Technology Management, Futures, European Planning Studies, Research Policy, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Urban Studies, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Industry & Innovation, Regional Studies, and numerous other Italian Journals.
Jose Luis Hervas-Oliver is Full Professor of Strategy and Innovation at the Universitat Politènica de València. His research interest lies at the intersection between strategy/innovation and economic geography. His research has been published in management and economic geography journals such as Research Policy, Technovation, Journal of Economic Geography, Papers in Regional Science, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, European Planning Studies, Journal of Business Research, Small Business Economics, Journal of Technology Transfer, Research-Technology Management, among many others, along with chapters in books published by Springer, Edward Elgar or Routledge, among others. Dr. Hervas-Oliver is at the present time director of the ECO2015:63645-R Open Innovation in Clusters, founded by the Spanish Ministry of Economics.
4 Ebook di José-Luis Hervás-Oliver
José-Luis Hervás-Oliver & Marta Peris-Ortiz: Management Innovation
Under a framework in which technology and organizational innovation are markedly separated, this book advances knowledge on the topic by exploring the antecedents of a firm’s adoption of organization …
Fiorenza Belussi & Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver: Agglomeration and Firm Performance
This contributed volume studies and explains the effect of agglomeration on a firm’s innovation and performance. It presents new cases as well as new topics within the agglomeration phenomenon, explo …
Rafael Boix-Domenech & Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Algorithms and Industry 4.0 in Firms and Clusters
This volume offers a wide-ranging discussion on the interrelations among AI, algorithms, big data, and Industry 4.0 to understand the importance of these new paradigms for the development of firms, d …
Rafael Boix-Domenech & Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Algorithms and Industry 4.0 in Firms and Clusters
This volume offers a wide-ranging discussion on the interrelations among AI, algorithms, big data, and Industry 4.0 to understand the importance of these new paradigms for the development of firms, d …