This story is a metaphor of the Christian Life. The acorn stands for when the person is a baby. The sapling stands for when the person has grown into childhood. The full grown tree stands for when the person is an adult. The fallen branch and birds nest shows that God still cares for the person even though they have not yet trusted in Jesus as their Savior. The fallen tree being made into a table stands for when the person has trusted in Jesus as their Savior. The old man (tree) has passed away and their new life in Christ (table) has just begun. At the end of the story the table is damaged and becomes a lazy Susan, which stands for when the person has died and is now living in their eternal state with God.
Circa l’autore
Donna inherited her love for writing and art through her dad. She has four children and her artwork has been a good therapy for her in dealing with life’s trials.