Art is the Queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to all the generations of the world. Leonardo da Vinci Artistic behavior is one of the most valued qualities of the human mind. Although artistic manifestations vary from culture to culture, dedication to artistic tasks is common to all. In other words, artistic behavior is a universal trait of the human species. The current, Western de?nition of art is relatively new. However, a d- ication to artistic endeavors — such as the embellishment of tools, body – namentation, or gathering of unusual, arguably aesthetic, objects — can be traced back to the origins of humanity. That is, art is ever-present in human history and prehistory. Artandsciencesharealongandenduringrelationship.Thebest-known- ample of the explorationof this relationship is probably the work of Leonardo da Vinci. Somewhere in the 19th century art and science grew apart, but the cross-transfer of concepts between the two domains continued to exist. Currently, albeit the need for specialization, there is a growing interest in the exploration of the connections between art and science. Focusingoncomputerscience, itisinterestingtonoticethatearlypioneers of this discipline such as Ada Byron and Alan Turing showed an interest in using computational devices for art-making purposes. Oddly, in spite of this early interest and the ubiquity of art, it has received relatively little attention fromthe computersciencecommunityingeneral, and, moresurprisingly, from the arti?cial intelligence community.
Tabella dei contenuti
Evolutionary Art.- Evolutionary Visual Art and Design.- Evolutionary Search for the Artistic Rendering of Photographs.- Evolution and Collective Intelligence of the Electric Sheep.- Evolutionary Music.- Evolutionary Computation Applied to Sound Synthesis.- Swarm Granulation.- Evolutionary Computing for Expressive Music Performance.- Real-World Applications.- Evolutionary and Swarm Design in Science, Art, and Music.- Genr8: Architects’ Experience with an Emergent Design Tool.- Evolving Human Faces.- Evolutionary Reproduction of Dutch Masters: The Mondriaan and Escher Evolvers.- Artistic Perspectives.- Artificial Art Made by Artificial Ants.- Embedding of Pixel-Based Evolutionary Algorithms in My Global Art Process.- Evolving Structure in Liquid Music.- A Survey of Virtual Ecosystems in Generative Electronic Art.- Complexism and the Role of Evolutionary Art.- Future Perspectives.- The Evolution of Artistic Filters.- Co-evolutionary Methods in Evolutionary Art.- Experiments in Computational Aesthetics.- Facing the Future: Evolutionary Possibilities for Human-Machine Creativity.