Autore: Julia Mueller

Dr. Alan Davies is a lecturer in Health Data Sciences at the University of Manchester in the Division of Informatics, Imaging and Data Sciences. Alan has a background in Computer Science (Ph D) and Nursing Science (BSc) and has previously worked as a software engineer and app developer in industry. Alan also worked in interventional cardiology, assisting with routine and emergency cardiac procedures where he authored several medical textbooks on electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation. More recently he has worked for the University of Manchester as a Research Software Engineer (RSE) and Data Scientist prior to becoming a lecturer. He delivers modules on the MSc in Health Informatics joint award delivered by UCL and the University of Manchester, where he is a module lead on the “Usable Health Systems Design” module and the “Modern Information Engineering” module. He also teaches on the MSc in Health Data Science on various modules, including “Understanding Data and Decision Making” and“Health Information Systems and Technologies”. Alan”s research is focused on m Health interventions and how patients interpret medical data. Alan was a Data Science fellow at Astra Zeneca, as well as a member of the Universities Research Ethics committee (UREC). Alan completed his Ph D in the Interaction Analysis and Modelling lab at the University of Manchester using eye-tracking methods to examine how clinicians interpret ECGs.    Dr. Julia Mueller is a Research Associate in the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge. She works within the programme on Prevention of Diabetes and Related Metabolic Disorders in High Risk Groups. Prior to this role, she worked as a Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences in the Division of Population Health, Health Services Research and Primary Care at the University of Manchester, leading a course unit on Digital Public Health on the Master of Public Health programme. Much of her research relates to digital health, with a particular focus on health-related behaviour change interventions such as mobile apps for chronic disease management. She is also a strong proponent of patient and public engagement and has organised and participated in various events and initiatives to help patients become involved in research and to disseminate research findings to members of the public. Julia completed a BSc in Psychology at the Georg-August-University in Goettingen, Germany, and an MSc in Health Psychology  at the University of St Andrews. Her studies piqued her interest in the links between psychological and physical well-being, and in the potential of Web-based interventions for improving health. In 2018, Julia completed a Ph D research project at the University of Manchester about the role of Web-based information in help-seeking of those worried about lung cancer.

10 Ebook di Julia Mueller

Julia Mueller: Köstliche Probiotische Drinks
Die gesundheitlichen Vorteile probiotischer Lebensmittel sind kein Geheimnis – Ärzte empfehlen den Einsatz von Probiotica wegen ihrer positiven Effekte auf Verdauung, Metabolismus und das Immunsystem …
Julia Mueller: Paleo Power Bowls
Eat your way to health with a packed, wholesome, customizable paleo bowl. Quick, healthful, and comfortingly delicious, the bowl food trend is the busy person’s answer to jump-starting the ultimate p …
Julia Mueller: Quintessential Kale Cookbook
75 delicious, nutrient-packed recipes to incorporate kale into every meal.Kale is considered one of the world’s most powerful superfoods for very good reasons. It’s packed with antioxidants, which he …
Julia Mueller: Delicious Probiotic Drinks
The health benefits of probiotics are no secretdoctors from both the Western and Eastern medicine camps sing the praises of probiotics for their positive effects on digestion, metabolism, and the imm …
Alan Davies & Julia Mueller: Developing Medical Apps and mHealth Interventions
This book provides a practically applicable guide to designing evidence-based medical apps and m Health interventions. It features detailed guidance and case studies where applicable on the best prac …
Julia Mueller: Economy of Nicaragua. How the political crisis impacts the economic development
Seminar paper from the year 2019 in the subject Business economics – Economic Policy, grade: 2, University of Vigo, language: English, abstract: This essay will examine how the political crisis impac …