Autore: Julia Sadusky

Julia Sadusky (PsyD, Regent University) works as a clinical psychologist in Denver, Colorado. She also serves as a youth and ministry educator, offering trainings and consultations on the intersection of sexuality, gender, and theology. Her research experiences and clinical training have focused on the study of sexual and gender identity, including providing individual, family, couples, and group therapy for those navigating sexual- and gender-identity concerns. She is an advisor for the Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender.

3 Ebook di Julia Sadusky

Julia Sadusky & Mark Yarhouse: Emerging Gender Identities
"This inviting text provides a useful framework for Christians to use in approaching what can be difficult conversations around gender identity."–Publishers Weekly This book offers a measu …
Julia Sadusky: Start Talking to Your Kids about Sex
Winner of a second-place award in the spirituality category from the Association of Catholic Publishers. One of the most difficult challenges we may face as parents is to have that first ‘;talk’ with …
Julia Sadusky: Talking with Your Teen about Sex
Are you looking for the right wordsand a boost of confidenceto build trust, reduce shame, and have an ongoing and compassionate conversation with your teen about sex, one that also reinforces Catholi …