This important textbook makes a timely contribution to international agendas in social work with lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people. It examines how practitioners and student social workers can provide appropriate care across the lifespan (including work with children and families and older people) and considers key challenges in social work practice, for example asylum, mental health, and substance misuse. Drawing on practice scenarios, the book takes an enquiry-based learning approach to facilitate critical reflection. Its distinctive approach includes: • use of the concepts of the Professional Capabilities Framework for social work • key theoretical perspectives including human rights • structuring of the text around the framework of the UK National Occupational Standards for Social Work • student-friendly features including key questions and exercises • a complete glossary of key terms and concepts • examination of the UK policy and legislative context It is informed by international research in social work with LGBT people The book is essential reading for students on qualifying social work programmes and practitioners in statutory, voluntary and independent sectors.
Circa l’autore
Julie Fish is Reader in Social Work and Health Inequalities at De Montfort University in Leicester where she has facilitated teaching and learning about social work with LGBT people for over a decade. She was commissioned by the Department of Health to produce practice guidance for health and social care professionals Reducing Health Inequalities in LGBT People which has been widely disseminated. She collaborated with Stonewall on Prescription for Change: the largest study in Europe of the health and social care needs of lesbian and bisexual women. She has written several academic articles and is author of Heterosexism in Health and Social Care.