Prof. K. V. Peter, Director World Noni Research Foundation, Chennai is the Former Vice-Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University (KAU); Director, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut; Director of Research KAU and Professor of Horticulture from 1979. He is an acknowledged teacher and science manager. A post graduate from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar (1969-1975), he is associated with development of biotic stress resistant varieties in Chilli (Pant-CI, Pant-C2), Tomato (Sakthi) and Brinjal(Surya) grown throughout the subcontinent. He is recipient of several national awards including Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award; Dr. M H Marigowda National Award; HSI-Shivasakthi Award for Life Time Contributions to vegetable research; Recogntion Award and Dr. K Ramiah Memorial Award of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi; PNASF Gold Medal, KRLCC Award-2015 for contributions to Education and Science; ”Sugnada Bharati Award-2015” by Indian Society of Spices Calicut and Gold medal from Indian Society of Vegetable Science, Varanasi. He is a Fellow of NAAS New Delhi, NASI Allahabad , NABS Chennai , ISNS Chennai and HSI New Delhi. He has more than 50 books to his credit from prominent Indian and International Publishers.
2 Ebook di K V Peter
K V Peter: Horticultural Crops of High Nutritive Values
Availability, access and absorption are the three pillars of food and nutrition security in our country. Even though horticultural production has surpassed the food grain production, 60% of our popul …
K V Peter: Horticultural Crops of High Nutritive Values
MS Swaminathan said, ‘;The three major dimensions of hunger in India are calorie deprivation, protein deprivation and micro-nutrient deprivation’. While addressing this famous statement, this book pr …