A. Wiesand, ARCult Media
K. Chainoglou, Univ. of Macedonia
A. Śledzińska-Simon, Univ. of Wroclaw
Y. Donders, Univ. of Amsterdam
4 Ebook di Kalliopi Chainoglou
Kalliopi Chainoglou & Barry Collins: Injustice, Memory and Faith in Human Rights
This multi-disciplinary collection interrogates the role of human rights in addressing past injustices. The volume draws on legal scholars, political scientists, anthropologists and political philoso …
Kalliopi Chainoglou & Barry Collins: Injustice, Memory and Faith in Human Rights
This multi-disciplinary collection interrogates the role of human rights in addressing past injustices. The volume draws on legal scholars, political scientists, anthropologists and political philoso …
Kalliopi Chainoglou & Anna Sledzinska-Simon: Culture and Human Rights: The Wroclaw Commentaries
Die WROCLAW COMMENTARIES befassen sich mit aktuellen Rechtsfragen und politischen Konsequenzen im Themenfeld Menschenrechte und Kultur (im weiteren Sinne), darunter: Kunst-, Presse- und Meinungsfreih …
Andreas J. Wiesand & Kalliopi Chainoglou: Culture and Human Rights: The Wroclaw Commentaries
The WROCLAW COMMENTARIES address legal questions as well as political consequences related to freedom of, and access to, the arts and (old/new) media; questions of religious and language rights; the …