Autore: Kamal K. Kar

Prof. Kar pursued higher studies at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, and Iowa State University, USA, before joining as a Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Programme in Materials Science at IIT Kanpur in 2001. He was a BOYSCAST Fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, in 2003. He is currently holding the Champa Devi Gangwal Chair Professor of the Institute. Before this, he also had the Umang Gupta Institute Chair Professor (2015-2018) at IIT Kanpur. He is the former Head of the Interdisciplinary Programme in Materials Science from 2011-2014, and Founding Chairman of the Indian Society for Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering Kanpur Chapter from 2006 to 2011. Prof. Kar is an active researcher in the broad areas of nanostructured carbon materials, nanocomposites, functionally graded materials, nano-polymers, and smart materials for structural, energy, water, and biomedical applications. His research works have been recognized through the office of the Department of Science and Technology, (ii) Ministry of Human Resource and Development,   National Leather Development Programme, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Defence Research and Development Organisation, Indian Space Research Organization, Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Biotechnology, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Aeronautical Development Establishment, Aeronautics Research and Development Board, Defence Materials and Stores Research and Development Establishment, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Kanpur, Danone research and development department of beverages division France, Indian Science Congress Association, Indian National Academy of Engineering and many more from India. Prof. Kar is the Editor-in-Chief of Polymers and Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series published by Springer Nature, and Member of the Editorial Board of SPE Polymers published by Wiley, Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer and Composites Science published by Taylor & Francis Group, International Journal of Plastics Technology published by Springer Nature and many more. Prof. Kar has more than 300 papers in international refereed journals, 135 conference papers, 12 books on nanomaterials and their nanocomposites, 03 special issues on polymer composites, 100+ review articles/book chapters, and more than 65 national and international patents to his credits, some of these have over 200 citations. He has guided 35 doctoral students and 100 master students so far. Currently, 7 doctoral students, 2 master students, and few visitors are working in his group, Advanced Nanoengineering Materials Laboratory.

7 Ebook di Kamal K. Kar

Kamal K. Kar & Jitendra K. Pandey: Handbook of Polymer Nanocomposites. Processing, Performance and Application
Volume B forms one volume of a Handbook about Polymer Nanocomposites. Volume B deals with Carbon nanotube based polymer composites. The preparation, architecture, characterisation, properties and app …
Kamal K. Kar: Composite Materials
Composite materials are used as substitutions of metals/traditional materials in aerospace, automotive, civil, mechanical and other industries. The present book collects the current knowledge an …
Kamal K. Kar: Handbook of Nanocomposite Supercapacitor Materials I
This book delivers a comprehensive overview of the characteristics of several types of materials that are widely used in the current era of supercapacitors; namely, architectured carbon materials, tr …
Kamal K. Kar: Handbook of Nanocomposite Supercapacitor Materials II
This book covers the performance aspects of nanocomposite supercapacitor materials based on transition metal oxides, activated carbon, carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers, graphene and conducting pol …
Kamal K. Kar: Handbook of Nanocomposite Supercapacitor Materials III
This book covers the selection of nanocomposite supercapacitor materials. It describes the most important criteria behind the selection of materials for the electrode, electrolytes, separator an …
Kamal K. Kar: Handbook of Fly Ash
The drive to develop more sustainable materials has made fly ash a valuable raw material in many different applications. Comprehensive and authoritative, Handbook of Fly Ash highlights the latest res …
Kamal K. Kar: Handbook of Nanocomposite Supercapacitor Materials IV
This book covers next-generation nanocomposite supercapacitor materials. It deals with a wide range of emerging and sustainable supercapacitors based on, e.g., low-dimensional materials including tra …