Do you frequently feel stressed, overwhelmed, depressed, anxious? Do your thoughts sometimes have too much control over you? What if you could focus your mind and find peace in any situation?
We all face challenges — complex decisions, difficult personalities, constant demands on our time — but we don’t have to be at their mercy. By developing the skills outlined in this book, which create what author Kamal Sarma calls mental resilience, we become able to meet these challenges with clarity. Both warriors and monks have for centuries made training their minds, developing mental resilience, a key priority. Through this training, they are able to silence incessant mental chatter and live a life of awareness, peace, and focus. Kamal draws upon his roles as a former student of Eastern spiritual practices and a successful Western corporate advisor to present a step-by-step guide to developing mental resilience. Through a progressive program and a guided-practice CD, Kamal provides models and metaphors that will help you clear your mind of repetitive, unhelpful thoughts and improve your ability to make decisions. You will learn how to reduce stress, maintain clarity in any situation, and discover an abiding calm within.
Circa l’autore
Kamal Sarma had the unique opportunity of growing up with both Eastern and Western influences. He led the life of a typical Aussie kid until age thirteen, when he was sent away to finish school in an Indian ashram for five years. In this monastery environment, in addition to his training in meditation and yoga, he studied many world religions including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. After leaving the ashram Kamal returned to Australia to pursue an international business career in management consulting, biotechnology, venture capital, and funds management. He has held senior positions in several organizations, including Mc Kinsey and Company, Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals, AMP Capital Investors, and St. George Bank. Kamal’s life was turned upside down after the death of his child. To overcome his grief and depression, he returned to his childhood training in mental resilience. Currently Kamal is the director of Rezilium, a strategic leadership firm that works with senior executives to enhance their level of impact in the organizations they serve. He is also the cofounder of the Institute for Mental Resilience, which works to raise funds for orphanages around the world and provide solutions to counter the high rate of youth suicide. For over ten years Kamal has guided corporate executives in maintaining clarity and peace in their lives while meeting intense work demands and balancing their health and relationships. Kamal makes the complex workings of the mind easy to understand. He offers practical advice for training our minds to face the many challenges we encounter daily. For more resources on mental resilience please visit