Autore: Karl Hanson

Bengt Sandin is Professor Emeritus of Child Studies in the Department of Thematic Studies at Linköping University, Sweden. His previous publications include  Schooling and State Formation in Early Modern Sweden (2020).  Jonathan Josefsson is Assistant Professor of Child Studies in the Department of Thematic Studies at Linköping University, Sweden. His previous publications include Children at the Borders (2016) and Empowered Inclusion: Theorizing Global Justice for Children and Youth (2020). Karl Hanson is Professor of Public Law and Director of the Centre for Children”s Rights Studies at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. His previous publications include Reconceptualizing Children’s Rights In International Development: Living Rights, Social Justice, Translations (2013). He is an editor of Childhood. Sarada Balagopalan is Associate Professor of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University-Camden, USA. Her previous publications include  Inhabiting ‘Childhood’: Children, Labour and Schooling in Postcolonial India (2014). 

6 Ebook di Karl Hanson

Michèle Deconynck & Tom Goffin: Wet & Duiding Kids-Codex Boek V
Het vijfde en laatste boek van de KIDS-Codex, wordt de positie van de mnderjarigen in het sociaal recht grondig ontleed. Eerst wordt nagegaan wanneer en hoe minderjarigen in aanraking komen …
Karl Hanson: Crionizados
Esta secuela de ”Crionizados: la Tercera Reanimación” responde a las preguntas que se presentan al final de ese libro. ”Una inesperada aparición” continúa siguiendo la vida de un grupo de …
Karl Hanson: Crionizados
El planeta K851b se encuentra a 26 años luz de la Tierra. En un esfuerzo por salvar a la humanidad de un asteroide que se predice destruirá la Tierra, se enviaron embriones crionizados a este planeta …
Sarada Balagopalan & Karl Hanson: Politics of Children’s Rights and Representation
This open access edited volume investigates children and youth’s deep entanglement in today’s major global, national, and local transformations and processes: wherein they are not mere spectators and …