Autore: Kenneth W. Schmidt

Fr. Kenneth Schmidt is a licensed professional counselor and executive director of Trauma Recovery Associates, which trains mental health professionals and spiritual caregivers in the US and several other nations. He is the Advocate for Priestly Ministry and Support for the Diocese of Kalamazoo. Fr. Schmidt is the author of You Have Set Us Free: Scriptural Reflections for Trauma Survivors, also published by Liturgical Press.

3 Ebook di Kenneth W. Schmidt

Kenneth W. Schmidt: You Have Set Us Free
You Have Set Us Free helps survivors of trauma, and their family and friends, to understand the deep and long-lasting effects of their trauma. It also helps them to correlate their experiences of suf …
Kenneth W. Schmidt: Conscious Contact with God
Conscious Contact with God is a new paraphrase of the Psalms that reflects the experience of addiction and living in recovery. It will speak powerfully to anyone who shares those experiences and stru …
Alan J. Hovestadt & Kenneth W. Schmidt: Thirty-Seven Myths about Marriage
Thirty-Seven Myths about Marriage describes common misconceptions about what happens in marriage–myths that never come true, no matter how much one believes them. Unhealthy thoughts, feelings, and b …