Autore: Kevin Schmidt

Kevin Schmidt was born in 1959 in Wyandot Memorial Hospital to Virginia and Richard Schmidt. He has lived in Lovell, Ohio his entire life (other than five years when he was first married). It took him a while to get his wife to move out in the sticks from the big city of Upper Sandusky (pop. 6, 000). His family came here and settled from Germany in the 1850’s in Lovell, so he has not moved very far. He has been blessed to work in his family business his entire life. There is nothing better than working with family and farmers. No kidding! Kevin has three wonderful daughters, two good sons-in-law, two good grandchildren, and a wife of twenty-eight-plus years, who deserves a medal for putting up with him. He’s the last person anybody would ever thought would have written a book. Hopefully his different and unique sense of humor, which his wife and daughter think is warped, will come through. He truly believes humor can be found in almost every situation. It is easy to find problems in everything, but look hard and find the humor, and you will be much happier.

7 Ebook di Kevin Schmidt

Kevin Schmidt: Rural Humor: Slice of Americana… (Life of a Tractor Salesman)
Rural Humor: Slice of Americana… (Life of a Tractor Salesman) by Kevin Schmidt is about a lifetime of rural humor. Dear Readers, things are way too serious these days, time to relax and read! (and …
Kevin Schmidt: Directors’ Dealings in altem und neuem Marktmissbrauchsrecht
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Jura – Zivilrecht / Handelsrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Kartellrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Note: 14, Universität Leipzig, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Am 03.0 …
Douglas Mauro & Kevin Schmidt: Essential SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) provides a "simple" set of operations that allows you to more easily monitor and manage network devices like routers, switches, servers, printers, …
Christopher Phillips & Kevin Schmidt: Programming Elastic MapReduce
Although you dont need a large computing infrastructure to process massive amounts of data with Apache Hadoop, it can still be difficult to get started. This practical guide shows you how to quickly …
Christopher Phillips & Kevin Schmidt: Programming Elastic MapReduce
Although you dont need a large computing infrastructure to process massive amounts of data with Apache Hadoop, it can still be difficult to get started. This practical guide shows you how to quickly …
Kevin Schmidt: Slice of Americana
Things are way to serious these days time to relax and read (and drink beer)! Its not political, religious, or even politically correct. Just plain funny, light-hearted look at a lifetime of rural Am …
Anton Chuvakin & Chris Phillips: Logging and Log Management
Logging and Log Management: The Authoritative Guide to Understanding the Concepts Surrounding Logging and Log Management introduces information technology professionals to the basic concepts of loggi …