This book presents Proceedings of the 2021 Intelligent Systems Conference which is a remarkable collection of chapters covering a wider range of topics in areas of intelligent systems and artificial intelligence and their applications to the real world. The conference attracted a total of 496 submissions from many academic pioneering researchers, scientists, industrial engineers, and students from all around the world. These submissions underwent a double-blind peer-review process. Of the total submissions, 180 submissions have been selected to be included in these proceedings.
As we witness exponential growth of computational intelligence in several directions and use of intelligent systems in everyday applications, this book is an ideal resource for reporting latest innovations and future of AI. The chapters include theory and application on all aspects of artificial intelligence, from classical to intelligent scope.
We hope that readers find the book interesting and valuable; it provides the state-of-the-art intelligent methods and techniques for solving real-world problems along with a vision of the future research.
Tabella dei contenuti
Zero-Touch Customer Order Fulfillment to Support the New Normal of Retail in the 21st Century.- Vitr AI: Applying Explainable AI in the Real World.- Contactless Interface for Navigation in Medical Imaging Systems.- Mobile Apps for 3D Face Scanning.- Tabu Search for Locating-Routing in the Goods Delivery and Waste Pickup in Trujillo-Peru.- The Emergence of Hybrid Edge-Cloud Computing for Energy Efficiency in Buildings.- Particle Swarm Model for Predicting Student Performance in Computing Programs.- A Genetic Algorithm for Quantum Circuit Generation in Open QASM.- An Improved Clustering-based Harmony Search Algorithm (IC-HS).- Supporting Financial Inclusion with Graph Machine Learning and Super-App Alternative Data.- Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm and Harmony Search for Chemical Kinetics Problem.- Learning Incorrect Verdict Patterns of the Established Face Recognizing CNN Models using Meta-Learning Supervisor ANN.- Smart Data: An Intelligent Decision Support System to Predict the Readers Permanence in News.- High Capacity Data Hiding for AMBTC Decompressed Images using Pixel Modification and Difference Expansion.- Fraud Detection in Online Market Research.