This book provides the state-of-the-art intelligent methods and techniques for solving real world problems along with a vision of the future research. The sixth Future Technologies Conference 2021 was organized virtually and received a total of 531 submissions from academic pioneering researchers, scientists, industrial engineers, and students from all over the world. The submitted papers covered a wide range of important topics including but not limited to technology trends, computing, artificial intelligence, machine vision, communication, security, e-learning and ambient
intelligence and their applications to the real world. After a double-blind peer-reviewed process, 191 submissions have been selected to be included in these proceedings.
One of the meaningful and valuable dimensions of this conference is the way it brings together a large group of technology geniuses in one venue to not only present breakthrough research in future technologies butalso to promote discussions and debate of relevant issues, challenges, opportunities, and research findings.
We hope that readers find the volume interesting, exciting, and inspiring.
Tabella dei contenuti
The Effectiveness of Outsourcing Cybersecurity Practices: A Study of the Italian Context.- Evaluation of System Features Used for Malware Detection.- Security Analysis of Zhang et al. Authenticated Encryption Scheme.- Efficient Secret Sharing-based Partial Matching Search using Error Correction Code.- Double-extortion Ransomware: A Technical Analysis of Maze Ransomware.- Best Practices for Cloud Data Protection and Key Management.- Hybrid Firefly and Swarm Algorithms for Breast Cancer Mammograms Classification based on Rough Set Theory Features Selection.