Cristina Herrera is Associate Professor in the Department of Chicano and Latin American Studies at California State University, Fresno, USA. She is the author of Contemporary Chicana Literature: (Re)Writing the Maternal Script and has published in Chicana/Latina Studies, Confluencia, and Journal of Caribbean Literatures.
Larissa M. Mercado-López is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Women’s Studies at California State University, Fresno, USA. Mercado-López is the co-editor of El Mundo Zurdo 3 and El Mundo Zurdo 4, and has published in Diálogo, Chicana/Latina Studies, and collections from Demeter Press.
2 Ebook di Larissa M. Mercado-López
Cristina Herrera & Larissa M. Mercado-López: (Re)mapping the Latina/o Literary Landscape
This book broadens the scope of Latina/o criticism to include both widely-read and understudied nineteenth through twenty-first century fictional works that engage in critical discussions of gen …
Laura Alamillo & Cristina Herrera: Voices of Resistance
The banning of Mexican-American Studies and censorship of Chican@-authored books in Arizona were part of a succession of anti-Mexican and anti-Chican@ policies that were enacted across the state and …