In the Trilogos Beacon series, author Linda Vera Roethlisberger takes a nuanced look at individual aspects of the core competencies of being human.
This booklet 4 about the human capability of creativity from the Trilogos Wegweiser series is about:
– Creativity, an often used term: What does it have to do with me personally?
– How do I act and react in difficult situations?
– How do I deal with unexpected challenges?
This booklet offers some explanations and thoughts on these topics as well as exercises that might prove helpful.
Circa l’autore
Linda Vera Roethlisberger (1956), ausgebildete Lehrerin
– 1990 Gründung vom Institut TRILOGOS für Persönlichkeits- und Bewusstseinsschulung.
– Autorin mehrerer Publikationen, so u.a. der Lehrbücher »Der sinnliche Draht zur geistigen Welt« und »Im Kontakt mit der inneren Stimme«.
– Weiter entwickelte sie über die Jahre hinweg die TRILOGOS®Methode: ein autodidaktischer Individuations- oder Selbstfindungsweg wird möglich.
– 2012 Gründung der gemeinnützigen TRILOGOS Stiftung.
Linda Vera Roethlisberger (1956), certified teacher
– 1990 ‒ Founding of TRILOGOS, an institute for personality and consciousness training. Author of numerous publications, among them the guidebooks The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World (Der sinnliche Draht zur geistigen Welt) and In Touch With Your Inner Voice (Im Kontakt mit der inneren Stimme).
– Over the years, she has also developed the Trilogos Method, allowing for self-guided individuation or self-discovery.
– 2012 ‒ Founding of the charitable Trilogos Foundation