Ferial Haffajee is the Editor-in-Chief of City Press since 2009. Before that she was editor of the Mail & Guardian from 2004 to 2009. For both newspapers, she was the first woman editor. She is a former chairperson of the South African National Editors” Forum and board member of the International Women”s Media Foundation, the World Editors” Forum, the International Press Institute and the Inter Press Service. As board member of Gender Links she looks after the representation of women in the media. She is also a board member of the Kgolo Trust which enables funding and support of grassroots media. After graduating from Wits in 1989 with a BA, Haffajee worked at the Centre for Applied Legal Studies at Wits. She began her journalism career as cub reporter in 1991 at the Weekly Mail (later the Mail & Guardian). Haffajee has also worked at the SABC as a radio producer and television reporter and at the Financial Mail, where she was a senior editor responsible for political coverage, as well as managing editor. She has been invited as speaker to many conferences, locally and internationally, and is the recipient of numerous awards, among others the Top Woman in Media award from MTN and The Media Magazine in 2006. Haffajee is the Committee for the Protection of Journalists international Press Freedom Laureate for 2014 and is a moderator of the Aspen Global Leadership Network and Africa Leadership Initiative. She has been the Sikuvile and National Press Club Editor of the Year for 2012 and 2010.
5 Ebook di Lizette Rabe
Lizette Rabe: Rykie: ‘n lewe met woorde
In ’n tyd toe die meeste vroue óf onderwyseres óf verpleegster geword het, het Rykie van Reenen vir haar ’n loopbaan oopgeskryf in die joernalistiek. Sy het Suid-Afrika se eerste vroulike oorlogskorr …
‘n Konstante Revolusie
Naspers is een van ‘n handjievol maatskappye uit Afrika wat binne een eeu gegroei het tot ‘n globale mededinger met rekordaandelepryse – en dit boonop op die gebied van tegnologie. Dié versameling es …
Lizette Rabe: Om tot verhaal te kom
Deur elke dag te skryf – kan jy verhalend tot verhaal kom Probeer sin maak met sinne wat nie wil sin maak nie. Dis die wese van skryfterapie – of journalling. En dis waarmee hierdie boek jou wil help …
Lizette Rabe: Die 95 stellings van Lilith X
Lilith, die perfekte ma en ’n vrou wat haar kant bring, is moeg. Moeg om haarself te kondisioneer volgens voorskrifte van 500 jaar gelede. Moeg van ’n manlike gekonstrueerde wêreld. Op Internasionale …
Lizette Rabe: Die 95 stellings van Lilith X
Lilith, die perfekte ma en ’n vrou wat haar kant bring, is moeg. Moeg om haarself te kondisioneer volgens voorskrifte van 500 jaar gelede. Moeg van ’n manlike gekonstrueerde wêreld. Op Internasionale …