This Handbook focuses on the complexity surrounding the interaction between trade, labour mobility and development, taking into consideration social, economic and human rights implications, and identifies mechanisms for lawful movements across borders and their practical implementation.
Tabella dei contenuti
Introduction: Conceptualizing a Pluralist Framework for Labour Mobility; Gottfried Zürcher, Marion Panizzon and Elisa Fornalé PART I: MOBILITY REGIME PERSPECTIVES: A MULTILEVEL GOVERNANCE 1. Trade, Migration and the Crisis of Globalization; Jim Hollifield, Lucie Cerna and William Hynes 2. Labour Migration, Trade and Investment: From Fragmentation to Coherence; Thomas Cottier and Charlotte Sieber-Gasser 3. GATS Mode 4 and Labour Mobility: The Significance of Employment Market Access; Johanna Jacobsson PART II: DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE: THE EMERGING ROLE OF PRIVATE SECTORS, TRANSNATIONAL FAMILIES AND THE DIASPORA 4. Labour, Migration and Development: An Analysis of the Role of International Organizations and Civil Society; Jérôme Elie 5. Public Private Regulation of Labour Migration: A Challenge to Administrative Law Accountability Mechanisms; Tesseltje de Lange 6. Migration Regimes and Their Linkages for Family Unity and Integrity, and Development; Piyasiri Wikramasekara 7. Mobilizing Development-Friendly Investments and Entrepreneurship by Overseas Migrants; Leila Rispens-Noel and Jeremaiah Opiniano PART III: LABOUR (HUMAN RIGHTS) STANDARDS PERSPECTIVE: MIGRANT WORKERS’ RELATIONSHIP WITH MIGRATION STRATEGIES 8. Low-Skilled Labour Migration and Free Trade Agreements; Philip Martin 9. Evaluating Bilateral Migration Agreements in Light of Human and Labour Rights; Ryszard Cholewinski 10. Human Security and Human Rights of Labour Migrants in the Inter-American System; Dorothy Estrada-Tanck PART IV: ASIA 11. Labour Migration in Asia and the Role of Bilateral Migration Agreements; Graziano Battistella 12. ‘Migration as Diplomacy’ in the Labour Migration and Refugee Flows between the Gulf and the Asian Countries; Hélène Thiollet 13. Labour Migration under the Japan Philippines and Japan Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreements; Yoshiko Naiki PART V: EUROPE 14. Free Movement Law within the European Union: Workers, Citizens and Third-Country Nationals; Sarah Sanchez Iglesias 15. The Temporary Movement of Natural Persons in the Context of Trade in Services: EU Trade Policy Under Mode 4 (WTO/GATS); Jan Schmitz 16. Euroafrican and Latin American Bilateral Migration Agreements: The Role of State-Diaspora Partnership; Marion Panizzon, Myriam Hazan and Sonia Plaza PART VI: AFRICA 17. Operationalizing the ECOWAS Protocol on Free Movement of Persons: Prospects for Sub-Regional Trade and Development; Adepoju Aderanti 18. Migration Partnerships And The Role Of Public Private Partnerships: The Nigeria Switzerland Migration Partnership; Amanda Bisong PART VII: LATIN AMERICA 19. Intra-Regional Mobility in South America: The Andean Community and MERCOSUR; Natalia Bernal, María Angélica Prada and René Fernando Uruena Hernandez 20. Challenges and Features of Migration and Trade Policies towards Latin America; Cesla Amarelle and Elisa Fornalé 21. Comparative Analysis of Migration and Development Policies in Latin America: Joint Reflections on their Impact on Highly Skilled Mobility and Diaspora; Caroline Caplan, Marion Panizzon and Elisa Fornalé
Circa l’autore
Aderanti Adepoju, Human Resources Development Centre, Lagos Cesla Amarelle, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Graziano Battistella, Scalabrini Migration Center, Philippines Natalia Bernal Garcia, Universidad de Los Andes Colombia, Columbia Amanda Bisong, World Trade Institute, Switzerland Caroline Axelle Caplan, Montpellier University, France Lucie Cerna, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, Oxford Ryszard Cholewinski, International Labour Organization, Switzterland Thomas Cottier, University of Bern, Switzerland E. Dorothy Estrada-Tanck, European University Institute, Italy Jérôme Elie, Researcher and consultant on international migration and refugee issues, Switzerland Elisa Fornalé, World Trade Institute, Switzerland Miryam Hazán, Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together, US James Hollifield, Southern Methodist University, US William Hynes, Georgetown University, US Johanna Jacobsson, European University Institute, Italy Sara Iglesias Sanchez, European Court of Justice Tesseltje de Lange, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Philip Martin, University of California-Davis, US Yoshiko Naiki, Osaka University, Japan Jeremaiah Opiniano, Institute for Migration and Development Issues, Philippines Marion Panizzon, University of Bern, Switzerland Sonia Plaza, World Bank, US María Angélica Prada, Universidad de los Andes Colombia, Columbia Leila Rispens-Noel, International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions, Senegal Charlotte Sieber-Gasser, University of Bern, Switzerland Jan Schmitz, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, EU Helène Thiollet, CERI-Sciences Po, France Rene Urueña, Universidad de Los Andes Colombia, Columbia Piyasiri Wickramasekara, University of Sydney, Australia Gottfried Zürcher, Directorate for Migration Policy, Switzerland