This volume deals with both a new theoretical framework and the capability of new economics to tackle a number of economic problems. It offers detailed analysis and informed comment on the type of new economics emerging in the aftermath of the financial crisis and the ‘great recession’.
Tabella dei contenuti
Economic Theory and Policies: New Directions After Neo-Liberalism; P.Arestis & M.Sawyer Towards a ‘New Economics’: Values, Resources, Money, Markets, Growth and Policy; T.Barker Replacing the Efficient Markets Hypothesis with a New Economics Approach; G.Dimsky From Gender as Exogenous to Gender as Endogenous in the New Economics; I.van Staveren Long-Term Uncertainty and Social Security Systems; J.Ferreiro & F.Serrano Finance-dominated Capitalism in Crisis–The Case for a Global Keynesian New Deal; E.Hein & A.Truger
Circa l’autore
TERRY BARKER is Director of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research (4CMR), Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK GARY DYMSKI is Professor of Economics at the University of California, Riverside, USA JESUS FERREIRO is Associate Professor in Economics at the University of the Basque Country, in Bilbao, Spain, and an Associate Member of the Centre for Economic and Public Policy, University of Cambridge, UK FELIPE SERRANO is Professor in Economics at the University of the Basque Country, in Bilbao, Spain IRENE VAN STAVEREN is Professor of Pluralist Development Economics at the Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands ECKHARD HEIN is Professor of Economics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany ACHIM TRUGER is Senior Researcher for Public Economics and Tax Policy at the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Hans Boeckler Foundation, Duesseldorf, Germany