Autore: Manuel Vilas

James Womack was born in Cambridge in 1979. He studied Russian, English and translation at university, and received his doctorate, on W.H. Auden's translations, in 2006. After ten years in Madrid, he has recently returned to the UK, where he teaches Spanish and translation at Cambridge University. He is a freelance translator from Russian and Spanish, and helps run Calque Press, which concentrates on poetry, translation and the environment. His debut collection of poems, Misprint, was published by Carcanet in 2012, and On Trust: A Book of Lies came out in December 2017. A third collection, Homunculus, is due out in August 2020.

10 Ebook di Manuel Vilas

Manuel Vilas: Heaven
A collection of dark, funny Iberian poems about drinking, sex and death.Manuel Vilas speaks in the voice of bitter experience, experience which seems intent on sending him up. He is a novelist as wel …
Manuel Vilas: Die Reise nach Ordesa
»Ein Erzähler, der bis ins Herz der Wahrheit gelangt.« ›El País‹ »Wir sollten über unsere Familien schreiben, ohne jede Beschönigung, ohne dabei zu erfinden. Wir sollten nur von dem erzählen, was pas …
Manuel Vilas: Ordesa
‘A book of deep reckoning’ New York Times ‘Becomes a way of looking honestly at what mourning really feels like’ Guardian A man in tumult returns to Ordesa, the small mountain town where he was born, …
Manuel Vilas: América
América es el resultado de un viaje y de una ensoñación. Un relato asombrado por la inmensa vastedad de una nación, la de Estados Unidos, que tiene las proporciones de un planeta entero en el que tod …
Manuel Vilas: Ordesa
Manuel Vilas: Was bleibt, ist die Freude
Man muss an das Glück glauben … Diesmal ist Manuel Vilas auf Reisen: In Hotelzimmern und Flughäfen setzt er die Erinnerungssymphonie seines Erzählers fort. Und er bereichert sie mit einem neuen Mot …
Manuel Vilas: In toate a fost frumusete
Prix Femina Étranger 2019 „Cea mai buna carte a anului 2018!’ El País / El Mundo / El Heraldo / El Cultural „Cartea lui Manuel Vilas e pur și simplu splendidă! Sălbatică, dar și delicată, rănește și …
Manuel Vilas: Ordesa
Muškarac kojega u Ordesi Manuela Vilasa zatječemo kako razmišlja o nedavnoj smrti svojih roditelja je pisac. Ni uspješan ni neuspješan, prosječno zavidan i frustriran, pisac je to koji u svojim pedes …
Manuel Vilas: Bucurie
„Prin Bucurie, Manuel Vilas sărbătorește reîntoarcerea la viață.’ Le Monde „Fericirea este o noțiune care are legătură cu accepțiunea societății asupra succesului. Dar bucuria este întotdeauna privat …
Manuel Vilas: Radost
“Putem boli stigoh do radosti”, piše pjesnik José Hierro. Sve što smo voljeli i sve što smo izgubili, pretvorit će se u radost. U samoći hotelskih soba i zračnih luka, u gradovima koje posjećuje nako …