Autore: Marc Bungenberg

Marc Bungenberg is Director of the Europa-Institut and a professor of European law and public international law at Saarland University/Germany as well as permanent visiting professor at the University of Lausanne/Switzerland. His main fields of research are European (Common Commercial Policy, public procurement and state aid law) and international economic law, particularly international investment and WTO law, including especially trade remedies. August Reinisch has been a professor of international and European law at the University of Vienna since 1998. He currently serves as Head of the Section of International Law and International Relations and as Director of the LL.M. Program in International Legal Studies. He is a Member of the International Law Commission, a membre associé of the Institut de droit international, President of the Austrian Branch of the ILA and President of the German Society of International Law. He has served as arbitrator in investment cases mostly under ICSID and UNCITRAL Rules.

26 Ebook di Marc Bungenberg

Marc Bungenberg & August Reinisch: From Bilateral Arbitral Tribunals and Investment Courts to a Multilateral Investment Court
This book considers the potential setup for a future Multilateral Investment Court (MIC). The option of an MIC was first discussed by the EU Commission in 2016 and has since been made an official ele …
Marc Bungenberg & Stephan Hobe: Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources
Fifty years after the adoption of the Declaration on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources by the General Assembly of the United Nations in December 1962, this volume assesses the evolution of …
Marc Bungenberg & Christoph Herrmann: European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2016
Volume 7 of the EYIEL focusses on critical perspectives of international economic law. Recent protests against free trade agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) …
Marc Bungenberg & Markus Krajewski: European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2017
Volume 8 of the EYIEL focuses on the external economic relations of the European Union as one of the most dynamic political fields in the process of European integration. The first part of this volum …
Marc Bungenberg & Michael Hahn: The Future of Trade Defence Instruments
This EYIEL Special Issue is devoted to the European Union’s Trade Defence Instruments (TDIs). The recent legislative changes at the EU level are indicative of global policy trends and legal challeng …
Marc Bungenberg & Markus Krajewski: European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2018
Volume 9 of the EYIEL focusses on natural resources law understood as a special area of international economic law. In light of increasing conflicts over access to and the use of natural resources an …
Marc Bungenberg & Peter M. Huber: Daseinsvorsorge und öffentliches Beschaffungswesen nach dem Lissabonner Vertrag
Die Reihe ‘Münchener Reden zur Europäischen Integration’ widmet sich einzelnen Vorträgen und Tagungen, die sich mit den verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen der Europäischen Integration in den Mitglieds …
Marc Bungenberg & Peter M. Huber: Der Staat in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise
Die Reihe ‘Münchener Reden zur Europäischen Integration’ widmet sich einzelnen Vorträgen und Tagungen, die sich mit den verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen der Europäischen Integration in den Mitglieds …
Marc Bungenberg & Peter M. Huber: Wirtschaftsverfassung und Vergaberecht – Der verfassungsrechtliche Rahmen der Auftrags- und Konzessionsvergabe
Die Reihe ‘Münchener Reden zur Europäischen Integration’ widmet sich einzelnen Vorträgen und Tagungen, die sich mit den verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen der Europäischen Integration in den Mitglieds …
Marc Bungenberg & Joern Griebel: International Investment Law and EU Law
The entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty entails sweeping changes with respect to foreign investment regulation. Most prominently, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) now cont …
Marc Bungenberg & Christoph Herrmann: Common Commercial Policy after Lisbon
Since the beginning of the process of European integration the EU Common Commercial Policy (CCP) has been one of the most dynamic political fields. The EU has achieved a leading role among the econom …
Marc Bungenberg & August Reinisch: From Bilateral Arbitral Tribunals and Investment Courts to a Multilateral Investment Court
This open access book considers the potential setup for a future Multilateral Investment Court (MIC). The option of an MIC was first discussed by the EU Commission in 2016 and has since been made an …
Marc Bungenberg & August Reinisch: Von bilateralen Schieds- und Investitionsgerichten zum multilateralen Investitionsgerichtshof
Ein neuer Multilateral Investment Court (MIC) soll die Antwort auf die in den vergangenen Jahren vor allem im Zusammenhang mit CETA und TTIP geäußerte Kritik am internationalen Investitionsschutzrech …
Karl M. Meessen & Marc Bungenberg: Economic Law as an Economic Good
Governments, or at least the clever ones among them, are aware of the factors guiding business activities. In the course of adopting and enforcing economic legislation, they seek to attract business …
Marc Bungenberg & Markus Krajewski: European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2019
Volume 10 of the EYIEL focusses on the relationship between transnational labour law and international economic law on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the International Labour Organisation ( …
Marc Bungenberg & Markus Krajewski: European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2020
Volume 11 of the EYIEL focuses on rights and obligations of business entities under international economic law. It deals with the responsibilities of business entities as well as their special status …
Marc Bungenberg & Andrew Mitchell: The Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement
This book gathers a selection of peer-reviewed chapters reflecting on the Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement (AEUFTA). Since 18 June 2018, ten rounds of negotiations for a AEUFTA have been …
Jelena Bäumler & Christina Binder: European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2021
Volume 12 of the EYIEL focuses on “The Future of Dispute Settlement in International Economic Law”. While new forms of dispute settlement are emerging, others are in deep crisis. The volume starts of …
Manjiao Chi & Marc Bungenberg: Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law 2022
The Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law (AYIEL) 2022 addresses the rapidly evolving field of international economic law with a special focus on Asia and the Pacific. This region has long bee …
Jelena Bäumler & Christina Binder: European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2022
Climate change is the defining challenge of our time. While political leadership and scientific expertise are key, law has a major role to play in fashioning responses. Volume 13 of the EYIEL assesse …
Marc Bungenberg & Manjiao Chi: Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law 2023
The Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law (AYIEL) 2023 addresses the rapidly evolving field of international economic law with a special focus on Asia and the Pacific. This region has long bee …
Marc Bungenberg & August Reinisch: New Frontiers for EU Investment Policy
With the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009, the EU became a global actor in the field of foreign direct investment. Since then, the field of EU investment policy has been gradually sha …
Florian Becker & Gabriele Margarete Buchholtz: Handbuch des Verwaltungsrechts
Das Handbuch ist eine auf 12 Bände angelegte Edition des Verwaltungsrechts. Als wissenschaftliches Gemeinschaftswerk von zwei Herausgebern und rund 250 Autor*innen basiert es auf einer Gesamtkonzepti …
Marc Bungenberg & August Reinisch: CETA Investment Law
CETA: Investitionsschutzregelungen im Focus Das umfassende Wirtschafts- und Handelsabkommen zwischen Kanada und der Europäischen Union (CETA) ist ein Aufbruch zu neuen Ufern. Die neuen Bestimmungen z …
Marc Bungenberg & August Reinisch: Draft Statute of the Multilateral Investment Court
Die EU strebt einen Multilateralen Investitionsgerichtshof (MIC) an, der das bestehende System der Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit ersetzen soll. Basierend auf den aktuellen Debatten in UNCITRAL u …
Jelena Bäumler & Christina Binder: European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2023
The focus of volume 14 of the EYIEL is on “(Public) Procurement and Competition Law in European and International Economic Law ”. It is testimony to the fact that areas of law originally perceived as …