In addition to the indisputably necessary electrification of the transport sector, which is currently being ramped up, internal combustion engines will still be urgently needed in the future. Otherwise, the demand for mobility in the on-road, off-road and non-road sectors cannot be met. There is no doubt that these internal combustion engines will have to be improved regarding efficiency plus lower emissions and nowadays more and more important upgraded for zero and low carbon fuels.
Even though Spark Ignition (SI) engines have been around for more than a century, there is still a lot of room for improvement, particularly in terms of power density, ignition, combustion control, and preventing uncontrolled combustion.
To offer all interested developers an inspiring exchange platform for the latest developments, IAV established two exciting conferences more than two decades ago, which are now held under the heading ‘Two Conferences – One Goal’. This volume brings together the contributions to this conference.
Tabella dei contenuti
Ignition and inflammation of conventional and alternative fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, methanol etc. – Combustion processes for alternative fuels – Prevention of irregular combustion phenomena when using conventional and alternative fuels – Methods for measurement and analysis of irregular combustion phenomena – Modern virtual development methods – Control, regulation and latest function algorithms
Circa l’autore
Marc Sens (Ed.), IAV Gmb H