Professor Marcus Foth is founder and director of the Urban Informatics Research Lab, and Professor of Interactive & Visual Design in the School of Design, Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology. Marcus’ research focuses on the relationships between people, place and technology. He leads a cross-‐disciplinary team that develops practical approaches to complex urban problems. He adopts human-‐computer interaction and design methodologies to build engagement around emerging issues facing our cities. Marcus has authored and co-‐authored over 120 publications in journals, edited books, and conference proceedings.
Martin Brynskov, Ph D, is associate professor in interaction technologies at the Department of Aesthetics and Communication at Aarhus University in Denmark. He is also research fellow at Participatory IT Centre (PIT) and Center for Advanced Visualization and Interaction (CAVI), director of the Digital Design Lab, co-founder of Smart Aarhus, and former director of the Civic Communication group at the Center for Digital Urban Living. He is the general chair of the Media Architecture Biennale 2012 and 2014. Working closely together with municipalities, artists, journalists, media organizations, and industrial partners, he investigates the consequences of digitization and explores new forms of mediation within a variety of domains with special focus on the role of social interaction, materials and interfaces. The research is mostly carried out as interventions and experiments in the wild, deploying prototypes and semi-‐permanent interactive systems.
Timo Ojala is professor of computer engineering at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering of the University of Oulu and the director of the Media Team Oulu research group. He received his M.Sc. (with honors) and Dr.Tech. degrees in 1992 and 1997, respectively, from the University of Oulu, Finland. He is the responsible director of the Ur Ban Interactions(UBI) program, which aims at building a functional prototype of future ubiquitous city in Oulu. He has authored about 100 international scientific publications on mobile multimedia, human computer interaction, networking and computer vision. He has served as the founding co-chair of the 1st International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2002), the general chair of MUM 2007 conference and in the program committees of many international conferences and workshops.
Marcus Foth, Ph D, is Professor of Urban Informatics in the QUT Design Lab, Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology. He is also an Honorary Professor in the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University, Denmark. Professor Foth’s research brings together people, place, and technology. His transdisciplinary work is at the international forefront of human-computer interaction research and development with a focus on smart cities, community engagement, media architecture, internet studies, ubiquitous computing, and sustainability. He has authored and co-authored over 180 publications in journals, edited books, and conference proceedings.
12 Ebook di Marcus Foth
Marcus Foth & Martin Brynskov: Citizen’s Right to the Digital City
Edited by thought leaders in the fields of urban informatics and urban interaction design, this book brings together case studies and examples from around the world to discuss the role that urban int …
Michael Dezuanni & Marcus Foth: Digital Participation through Social Living Labs
Digital Participation through Social Living Labs connects two largely separate debates: On the one hand, high speed internet access and associated technologies are often heralded as a means to bring …
Jaz Hee-jeong Choi & Marcus Foth: Eat, Cook, Grow
Tools, interfaces, methods, and practices that can help bring about a healthy, socially inclusive, and sustainable food future.Our contemporary concerns about food range from food security to agricul …
Marcus Foth & Markus Rittenbruch: Street Computing
This book develops tools and techniques that will help urban residents gain access to urban computing. Metaphorically speaking, it is taking computing to the street by giving the general public – rat …
Marcus Foth & Markus Rittenbruch: Street Computing
This book develops tools and techniques that will help urban residents gain access to urban computing. Metaphorically speaking, it is taking computing to the street by giving the general public – rat …
Natrah Abdullah & Wan Adilah Wan Adnan: User Science and Engineering
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on User Science and Engineering, i-USEr 2018, held in Puchong, Malaysia, in August 2018.The 32 papers accepted for i …
Laura Forlano & Marcus Foth: From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen
Studies from around the world show how the social media tools of Web 2.0 are shaping engagement with cities, communities, and spaces. Web 2.0 tools, including blogs, wikis, and photo sharing and soci …
Eric Gordon & Paul Mihailidis: Civic Media
Examinations of civic engagement in digital culture-the technologies, designs, and practices that support connection through common purpose in civic, political, and social life. Countless people arou …
Jock McQueenie & Marcus Foth: Community, Culture, Commerce
As digital environments become increasingly individualised, instant, ubiquitous, and disintermediated, this book demonstrates the continuing relevance of intermediaries at the intersection of design, …
Rachel Clarke & Marcus Foth: Designing More-than-Human Smart Cities
Climate change, rapid urbanisation, pandemics, as well as innovations in technologies such as blockchain, AI and Io T are all impacting urban space. One response to such changes has been to make citi …