This unique critical sociolinguistic ethnography explores alternative migrant-regulated institutions of resistance and subversive communication technology: the locutorios or ethnic call shops. These migrant-owned businesses act as a window into their multimodal and hybrid linguistic and communicative practices, and into their own linguistic hierarchies and non-mainstream sociolinguistic orders. Here, socially displaced but technologically empowered transnational migrant populations actively find subversive ways to access information and communication technologies. As such they mobilise their own resources to successfully inhabit Catalonia, at the margins of powerful institutions. The book also focuses on the (internal) social organisation dynamics, as well as on the simultaneous fight against, and re-production of, practices and processes of social difference and social inequality among migrants themselves.
Tabella dei contenuti
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Acronyms
Transcription Conventions
1. New Steps into the Sociolinguistics of Globalisation: The Critical Exploration of Migrant Institutions of Resistance in Late Capitalism
2. The Rise of Anti-Migrant Governmentality Practices: Prelude to the Emergence of Locutorios
3. Locutorios as Challengers to Established Politic-Economic Orders and Sociolinguistic Regimes
4. The Self-Provision of Technology Capital in Locutorios: A Diversity of ICT-Mediated Networking Practices
5. Locutorio Voices: Language and Literacy in Migrant-Regulated Discursive Spaces
6. Locutorios as Migrant Spaces of Mismeeting and Conflictive Togetherness
By Way of Conclusion: Informal Migrant Shelters Where to Critically Explore the Mundane Alphabets of the Future
Circa l’autore
Maria Sabaté-Dalmau (MA, Linguistic Anthropology, Uof T; Ph D, English Studies, UAB) is Associate Professor at University of Lleida, where she conducts critical sociolinguistic ethnographic research on (im)mobilities and multilingualism. She is chair of the board of Catalan Sociolinguistics Society. Her work includes Migrant Communication Spaces: Regimentation and Resistance (Multilingual Matters, 2014).