Autore: Mariëlle S. Smith


23 Ebook di Mariëlle S. Smith

Mariëlle S. Smith: Seven Simple Card Spreads to Unlock Your Creative Flow: Book 1 of the Seven Simple Spreads Series
You are a creator… …but your creativity could flow more effortlessly. What keeps blocking your potential? And how can you unlock your creative flow fully? In her latest work, writing coach Mariëlle S …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Le tarot pour les créatifs
Reprenez contact avec votre intuition et rallumez votre étincelle créative! Une fois de plus, la coach en écriture Mariëlle S. Smith a créé le livre parfait pour les entrepreneurs créatifs qui cherch …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Tarot voor creatieven
Verbind jezelf met je intuïtie en claim die creatieve vonk terug! Schrijfcoach Mariëlle S. Smith heeft het perfecte boek gecreëerd voor creatieven die begeleiding zoeken op hun creatieve pad. Tarot v …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Tarot for Creatives
Connect to your intuition and claim back that creative spark! Once again, writing coach Mariëlle S. Smith has created the perfect book for creatives looking for guidance on their creative path. Tarot …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Seven Simple Card Spreads to Direct Your Creative Flow: Book 2 of the Seven Simple Spreads Series
Your creativity is sparking… …but you have no idea what to do with all that inspiration. What should you direct your energy towards? And how do you turn your dreams into plans? In the second book in …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Seven Simple Card Spreads to Boost Your Creative Confidence: Book 3 of the Seven Simple Spreads series
Knowing the creative path ahead…   …you’ve left your comfort zone behind.     But where to find the courage to get you through these uncertain times? How to build the confidence needed …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Fleshing Out the Narrative
Uncover hidden story layers and connect the dots in Mariëlle S. Smith’s next tarot and journal challenge! Fleshing Out the Narrative: A 31-Day Tarot and Journal Challenge for Writers   is design …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Get Out of Your Own Way
Get out of your own way and (re)connect to your intuition! Get Out of Your Own Way: A 31-Day Tarot Challenge for Writers and Other Creatives is the perfect tool to understand your creative proce …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Quítate de tu propio camino
¡Deje de ser su propio obstáculo y (re)conecte con su intuición!   Quítate de tu propio camino es la herramienta perfecta para comprender su proceso creativo y para entrar en sintonía con s …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Arrêtez de vous faire obstacle
Arrêtez de vous faire obstacle et (re)connectez-vous à votre intuition!   Arrêtez de vous faire obstacle : un défi de tarot de 31 jours pour les écrivains et les autres créatifs est l’outil …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Seven Simple Card Spreads to Celebrate Your Creative Wins
Those creative risks you’ve been taking lately? They are finally paying off! But how do we slow down and celebrate how far we’ve come? Is there even a point when we still have so long to go? In the f …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Step into Your Power
Ready to unleash your creative potential? Step into Your Power: A 31-Day Tarot Challenge to Unleash Your Creative Potential is designed to help you do just that. In her fifth tarot challenge, wr …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Set Yourself Up for Success
Have your best creative year yet! Set Yourself Up for Success: A 31-Day Tarot Challenge for Writers and Other Creatives is the ideal tool to prepare for the year ahead, whenever that year starts …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Speak Your Truth
It’s time to speak your truth. You know it, your cards know it, even your pet rat knows it. You ‘just’ need to figure out what that truth is and what has kept you from speaking it sooner.  Enter …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Stehe dir nicht selbst im Weg
Stehe dir nicht selbst im Weg und verbinden dich (wieder) mit deiner Intuition! Stehe dir nicht selbst im Weg: eine 31-Tage-Tarot-Herausforderung für schreibende und kreative Personen ist das perfekt …
Mariëlle S. Smith: Tarot für Kreative
Verbinde dich mit deiner Intuition und erobere den kreativen Funken zurück! Wieder einmal hat Schreibcoach Mariëlle S. Smith das perfekte Buch für künstlerisch Schaffende, die nach Orientierungshilfe …