‘What a fresh approach to classroom management! The problem-solving approach makes so much sense if you want a friendly, caring, and safe classroom. Examples in the book illustrate ways to navigate the difficult behaviors that create barriers to learning.’
—Jennifer Lee Kumnick, School Social Worker
Clarke County School District, Athens, GA
Help students deal with anger, correct misbehavior, and prevent misunderstandings!
Effective discipline goes hand in hand with both proficient teaching and a caring classroom community. This third edition of Marilyn E. Gootman′s bestseller shows novice and veteran teachers how to guide student behavior by developing positive, supportive relationships.
Gootman′s approach to discipline focuses on two essentials: teaching students the skills of appropriate behavior and showing them how to avoid inappropriate behavior. Featuring summaries of key points at the end of each chapter, this revised edition offers a new chapter on establishing a caring classroom community, guidelines on how to handle cyberbullying, and an updated and expanded resource list featuring literature and programs on classroom discipline. Teachers can help children become good thinkers, good learners, and good classroom citizens by:
- Setting realistic rules and expectations for conduct
- Developing students′ problem-solving techniques
- Encouraging open communication to resolve disagreements
- Creating partnerships with parents
By creating a nurturing environment in the classroom, teachers can make a difference in children′s lives—and maintain their own enthusiasm and idealism!
Tabella dei contenuti
Foreword to the First Edition by Carl D. Glickman
Preface to the Third Edition
About the Author
Introduction: Caring Teachers Can Make a Difference
What Is Caring Teacher Discipline?
Caring Teacher Discipline Saves Time and Reduces Stress
Caring Teacher Discipline: An Approach for All Students
The Basic Assumption
Summary of Main Points
1. Creating a Caring Community
Caring Classroom Relationships: A Win-Win Situation
Establishing Caring Relationships With Our Students
Establishing Caring Relationships Among Our Students
Engaging Parents as Partners in Discipline
Insecure Attachment to Adults: A Relationship Challenge
Summary of Main Points
2. Setting the Stage for Appropriate Behavior
Space: There’s a Place for Everything
Class Meetings
Summary of Main Points
3. Expectations, Limits, and Rules
Unreasonable Barricades: How Students Respond
No Fences: How Students Respond
Waist-High Fences: How Students Respond
How to Build Waist-High Fences
Summary of Main Points
4. Encouragement, Praise, and Rewards
The Artful Critique
Summary of Main Points
5. Social and Emotional Learning
Recognizing and Labeling Feelings
Communicating Feelings Nonhurtfully
Listening to Others
Caring Teacher Listening: A Preventive Discipline Tool
Summary of Main Points
6. Harnessing and Channeling Anger Into Constructive Outlets
Defusing Student Anger on the Spot
Helping Students Harness Anger
Preventing Student Anger
Harnessing Our Own Anger
Summary of Main Points
7. Tracking Down the Cause of Misbehavior
Looking in the Mirror
Understanding Common Cause of Misbehavior
Summary of Main Points
8. What to Do After Students Misbehave
Low-Key Discipline
Discipline With a Capital D: Problem Solving
Contract for Prevention
The Benefits of Problem Solving for Students
Teaching Our Students Problem Solving
Group Problem Solving
Summary of Main Points
9. Consequences for Misbehavior
Choosing a Consequence
Differentiating Between Consequences and Punishments
More About Problem Solving for Consequences
Summary of Main Points
10. Strategies for Chronic, Annoying Misbehaviors
Kinds of Misbehaviors
Summary of Main Points
11. Bullying: Prevention and Intervention
Definition of Bullying
Cyber Bullying
Summary of Main Points
12. Enhancing Resilience: Strategies for Misbehavior Resulting From Childhood Trauma
What Is Childhood Trauma?
Our Role
Behavior Problems That Could Be Manifestations of Trauma
Summary of Main Points
Resource A – Suggested Readings
Resource B – Recommended Programs
Circa l’autore
Marilyn E. Gootman is founder of Gootman Education Associates, an educational consulting company that provides workshops and seminars for parents and educators, focusing on successful strategies for raising and teaching children. She has been in the teaching profession for over 25 years, and her teaching experiences range from elementary school to the university level. She holds degrees from Simmons College and Brandeis University and a doctorate from the University of Georgia. She is the author of The Loving Parents’ Guide to Discipline and When a Friend Dies: A Book for Teens about Grieving and Healing.