Autore: Mario Primicerio

Dr. Thibaut Lery, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, France Prof. Mario Primicerio, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Italy Prof. Maria J. Estebàn, Université Paris-Dauphine, France Prof. Magnus Fontes, Lund University, Sweden Prof. Yvon Maday, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France Prof. Volker Mehrmann, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Prof. Goncalo Quadros, Critical Software SA, Coimbra . Portugal Prof. Wil Schilders, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands Prof. Andreas Schuppert, Bayer Technology Service Gmb H, Leverkusen, Germany Dr. Heather Tewkesbury, Surrey Technology Centre, Guildford, United Kingdom

3 Ebook di Mario Primicerio

Thibaut Lery & Mario Primicerio: European Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics
This unique book presents real world success stories of collaboration between mathematicians and industrial partners, showcasing first-hand case studies, and lessons learned from the experiences, tec …
Mario Primicerio & Renato Spigler: Applied And Industrial Mathematics In Italy – Proceedings Of The 7th Conference
Industrial mathematics is evolving into an important branch of mathematics. Mathematicians, in Italy in particular, are becoming increasingly aware of this new trend and are engaged in bridging the g …